[CCWG-ACCT] Reference for legal subteam

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 05:42:23 UTC 2015

Yes indeed Izumi, I like the fact that it's short and focused in addressing
it's goals. I think the ccwg legal firms can learn some idea in format of
providing their recommendations.

Thanks for the share.


sent from Google nexus 4
kindly excuse brevity and typos.
On 7 Apr 2015 05:25, "Izumi Okutani" <izumi at nic.ad.jp> wrote:

> FYI, ARIN has had an opportunity to take a looks at ICANN's Bylaws with
> legal feedback from its lawyers, which may be of an interest for legal
> subteam.
> This is just sharing it for your reference, simply some legal research
> work that ARIN sought & which may be useful for the CCWG's groups reference
> and not a recommendation.
> Thanks,
> Izumi
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