[CCWG-ACCT] SLIGHTLY revised Fundamental Commitments and Core Values Chart

Malcolm Hutty malcolm at linx.net
Fri Apr 24 07:26:58 UTC 2015

On 23/04/2015 20:01, Burr, Becky wrote:
> This chart slightly updates the April 17 Frozen Draft by reflecting WP1 work on AoC commitments.  Changes (minor) are in PURPLE

Thank you for this. I don't think adding language on "the public
interest" to the first of our core values is a minor change: this has
proven a very delicate and contentious topic.

I certainly prefer the language proposed for the Fundamental Commitments
"[seeks input from the public], *for whose benefit ICANN shall in all
events act*" to the language in the core values "ensure that decisions
are made in the global public interest".
The former makes clear that we are concerned with a public beneficiary
not the private interests of any party. The latter risks importing the
whole range of claims as to where the public interest lies, and also the
many governmental claims to be the sole or preeminent decisionmaker
concerning the same.


            Malcolm Hutty | tel: +44 20 7645 3523
   Head of Public Affairs | Read the LINX Public Affairs blog
 London Internet Exchange | http://publicaffairs.linx.net/

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