[CCWG-ACCT] RES: Draft update of jurisdiction section of PC2 report

Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva pedro.ivo at itamaraty.gov.br
Tue Jul 14 22:03:36 UTC 2015

Thanks for the document, Mathieu. 

I hope proper time can be devoted to the discussion of this document during our F2F in Paris. 
At this point, I cannot see any time slot in our agenda for this topic (or perhaps it is under "other items to be reviewed"?)

À bientôt!

Secretário Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva
Divisão da Sociedade da Informação (DI)
Ministério das Relações Exteriores - Brasil
T: + 55 61 2030-6609

Secretary Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva
Division of Information Society (DI)
Ministry of External Relations - Brazil
T: + 55 61 2030-6609

-----Mensagem original-----
De: accountability-cross-community-bounces at icann.org [mailto:accountability-cross-community-bounces at icann.org] Em nome de Mathieu Weill
Enviada em: terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2015 18:53
Para: accountability-cross-community at icann.org
Assunto: [CCWG-ACCT] Draft update of jurisdiction section of PC2 report

Dear Colleagues,

Part of the comments we received call for more clarity and substance on the way we will address jurisdiction issues in WS2. The attached paper is a reviewed version of the paper we had drafted in Istanbul on the matter. It includes a bit more substance on gap analysis and next steps while sticking to the requirement approach.

This document will be included in the package for the Paris F2F.


Mathieu WEILL
AFNIC - directeur général
Tél: +33 1 39 30 83 06
mathieu.weill at afnic.fr
Twitter : @mathieuweill

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