[CCWG-ACCT] Presentation from Joint Townhall at ICANN53

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Mon Jun 22 22:40:17 UTC 2015

Just looking at page 15 of the presentation.

"The ICANN Board represents the executive entity the community may act against, as appropriate"

I recognize that this is in the context of the new community powers - but I would like to see a little more positive an broader description of the role of the ICANN Board.

Perhaps something more along the lines of:

"The entity appointed by the community to oversee the organization on the community's behalf"

Ie the Board comes from the community - it is not really an executive branch of the staff.      In fact it is a comprised of non-executives apart from the CEO.

The board's role is also to hold the staff accountable to deliver on the commitments agreed with the community in the strategic and operating  planning process.

While the CCWG is looking at additional accountability mechanisms - I think it should also be recognized that the Board itself is one of  the existing mechanisms, however imperfect it may be.   It is as much tied to the community through its selection process as the AC and SO councils.

Bruce Tonkin

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