[CCWG-ACCT] is there a CCWG-A 2.1 being prepared?

Salaets, Ken ksalaets at itic.org
Wed Oct 7 18:01:23 UTC 2015

Dear Co-chairs:

I realize that there are multiple paths being suggested and debated re an accountability proposal, but I don't recall hearing whether the WPs are expected to develop a revised 2nd Report for review prior to Dublin.  I think it would be of particular value if you were able to circulate a preliminary redline version of the report highlighting various text/topics that were the subject of the various public and board comments.   It would be even more valuable if said document could categorize the relative nature of the comments, for example, text/topics:

a)   supported by most commenters but which may be due for minor improvements/adjustments/clarifications, or

b)   supported by a majority of commenters with conditions/caveats and, hence, may be in need of improvements/adjustments/clarifications, or

c)   which were questioned by a majority of commenters and, therefore, have been deemed candidates for major improvements/adjustments/clarifications, or perhaps even deletion.

A fourth category might be the flagging of omissions/gaps/analysis which, if addressed or added, would help clarify and thereby improve text/topics in the 2nd Report.

At a minimum, such a document it would provide a visual snapshot of where things stand relative to the latest draft report, similar to the chart provided by Fadi.  More importantly, it would help preserve the substantial work represented by the 2nd Report as the baseline for the eventual CCWG-A proposal.  It might also help rein in various email discussions which, while important, may not be particularly germane to the immediate task and could therefore be relocated to a Dublin pub (wink).

Thanks much,


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