[CCWG-ACCT] Discussion in the GAC email list on stress test 18

Haan, ir. T.S.M. de (Thomas) T.S.M.deHaan at minez.nl
Thu Sep 17 15:29:09 UTC 2015


For transparency reasons I want to share my email (in modified form) sent to the GAC email list on the subject of stress test 18.

Thanks … (omitted) for a valuable analysis.

It captures the essence of the discussion. As Netherlands we are a strong proponent of consensus decision making, but we fail to see the rationale behind the reasoning  that - without the proposed bylaw change- we risk ‘governmental capture’. We have stated this in the Paris meeting/july. It would be therefore very helpful if GAC members in favour of the proposed bylaw change explain the arguments.

Assuming that most GAC members have been more or less supportive of the current equilibrium working with the current bylaws, we think it would be beneficial for the GAC to maintain that equilibrium and not change it, as there is no consensus support for it.

We consider also the NTIA criterium  ‘that the transition proposal must have broad community support’ as equally important as - if not overarching - all other criteria, and we risk NOT having consensus support for the proposal if that specific section (stresstest 18)  is maintained. For us NOT getting consensus within GAC will have detrimental effect on the transition process and its follow up, as it will lack worldwide governmental support.

Thomas de Haan
Ministry of Economic Affairs
tel: +31 70 379 8128

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