[CCWG-ACCT] Notes-Recordings-Transcript link for CCWG ACCT Meeting #84 - 16 February

Brenda Brewer brenda.brewer at icann.org
Tue Feb 16 08:03:59 UTC 2016

Hello all,


The notes, recordings and transcripts for CCWG ACCT meeting #84 - 16 February will be available
here:   https://community.icann.org/x/AAt1Aw

A copy of the notes and action items may be found below.


Thank you.


Kind regards,




Action Items

Action: Kavouss to submit edits in writing to specify change(s) needed/requested

Action: Brett to send email with details of edits suggested on call 


These high-level notes are designed to help you navigate through content of the call and do not 
substitute in any way the transcript.

1. Opening Remarks

Audio only:  Seun Ojedeji

Review of the timeline: 

*        Document went out for review on 12 Feb. 

*        Review period closed on 14 Feb at 22:00 UTC. 

*        All the lawyers' markups (for the most part, minor changes for consistency) have been
published to the CCWG list. 

*        The report will go to Chartering Orgs on 18 Feb. 

*        Between now and then, there is time for the CCWG members to submit minority statements. 

Minority statements can only be submitted by CCWG members (appointed by Chartering Organizations).

2. Comments on the Supplementary Report

Review of comments received and incorporated by staff: 

*        Andrew Sullivan -- clarifications on removal for non-voting liaisons (see email here:
http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/accountability-cross-community/2016-February/010924.html). Will not
change the substance of the recommendation, but ensure that the text is clear

*        Izumi Okutani -- ensuring that exclusion for numbers is applied to recommendations for IRP
and Reconsideration

*        Graphics will be updated, but were not done in time for the report publications on 12 Feb
due to late instruction to designers. 

*        Brett Schaefer -- Annex 6 and consistency notes for annex 2, 14. 

*        Kavouss Arasteh -- Language in Rec 1 needs to be more clear. 

*        In Rec 5, there were side-by-side comparison updates needed for some sections. Becky Burr
has provided and updated 
the tables today (not new language)

Action: Kavouss to submit edits in writing to specify change(s) needed/requested

Additional changes: 

*        Brett Schaefer -- Rec 1, page 8, first bullet: request to define the term consensus.
(Absence of objection). 

*        Brett Schaefer -- Annex 2: change language for consistency "may be..."

*        Brett Schaefer -- Last section of Annex 4 and Annex 14 relating to the NTIA criteria on
replacing their role with a gov-led or intergov-led solution: update language to reflect agreement
from email 

Action: Brett to send email with details of edits suggested on call 

Board comment regarding threshold for Board removal in GAC carve-out

*        Bruce Tonkin: To mitigate the Board's concerns with this new compromise, we suggest that
this new lower threshold only 
applies when BOTH of the following occurs:- The Board decides to accept GAC advice, and hence the
GAC cannot participate 
in a decision to remove the Board over this decisionand - An IRP raised by the community has found
that the Board acted 
inconsistently with its bylaws (which includes the mission).

*        Brett Schaefer: agree that this would be rare, agree that the IRP makes sense. however,
does not agree that this is unusual 
threshold for community power: other powers are based in 3 SO/ACs thresholds. Current thresholds

Apologies to Seun for not getting back to him sooner. His line dropped before Thomas could go back
to him. 

3. Budget Requirements

Support for the next phase of the work (beyond Marrakech). Xavier Calvez (ICANN CFO) and Board
Finance Committee have 
requested an assessment of the costs anticipated for three months following Marrakech. The Chairs

*        Lawyers' drafting of WS1 requirements

*        Possible F2F before ICANN56


*        Kavouss supports Chairs' proposal for continued ICANN support.

*        Sebastien suggests a 2-day F2F as part of ICANN56 (one for WS1 and one for WS2).

*        Greg agrees with continued outside counsel support for the work

*        Alan: we need to estimate a reasonable budget and stick to it. 

4. AOB

Need redline of Bruce's proposed change (aiming for circulation today)

Need tracking of changes made to draft so that there are no surprises. 


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