[CCWG-ACCT] CCWG-Accountability-WS2-TravelSupport-ICANN59Johannesburg-25June2017-Announcement and Process

Bernard Turcotte turcotte.bernard at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 22:20:47 UTC 2017

​​The body of this email contains:

   - The announcement for Travel Funding Applications for the
   CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Face to Face at ICANN59 on 25 June 2017
   - The CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Travel Funding Policy
   - The CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Travel Funding Application Form
   (Applications must be submitted by
    23:59 UTC Sunday 19 March 2017)


The CCWG-Accountability
has travel funding for some Members and Rapporteurs to attend the Face to
Face meetings held the day prior to an ICANN meeting who do not have any
other funding available to them to attend.

Members are those individuals that are specifically appointed by the
chartering SO/ACs to the CCWG-Accountability - the list of Members can be
found at https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=59640780 .

Rapporteurs are those listed as such on the CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Wiki
for specific sub-groups located at https://community.icann.org/di
splay/WEIA/WS2+SubGroup+Topics. Please see the attached policy for details
regarding this funding.

If you are not a Member or a Rapporteur, please do not apply as there is a
very limited number of seats available.

The next Face to Face meeting of the CCWG-accountability will be held on 25
June 2017 in conjunction with ICANN 59 in Johannesburg South Africa.

Those Members and Rapporteurs wishing to be considered for travel funding
should fill out the attached form and submit it by
23:59 UTC Sunday 19 March 2017 to Acct-Staff at icann.org.

The funding is for the Face- to- Face meeting
​ of the CCWG-Accountability WS2​
, which can include airfare, hotel and a per-diem allocation for meals for
attending the Face to Face meeting only (and not the full ICANN meeting).
However, in analyzing the requests the
​ ​
​CCWG-Accountability-WS2 ​
Co-Chairs will consider requests for partial funding (such as only an
additional day of hotel and per diem to attend the Face to Face meeting) in
order to maximize participation. As such Members are encouraged to only
apply for what they need to allow for funding as many Members and
Rapporteurs as possible.

The final decisions on travel funding will be made by the
​CCWG-Accountability-WS2 ​
Co-Chairs and published on the CCWG-Accountability WS2 wiki at
https://community.icann.org/display/WEIA/Travel+Support within 7 days of
the application period closing (a confirmation of the posting will be sent
to the CCWG email list).

Those being supported will then be contacted by ICANN Travel using the
standard ICANN travel funding process to arrange details.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the
CCWG-Accountability support staff at Acct-Staff at icann.org .

​Bernard Turcotte

ICANN Staff Support to the CCWG-Accountability-WS2​

*Updated Process for Expressions of Interest requesting CCWG Travel Support
(December 2016)*

The current budgeted amount to support the work of CCWG WS2 members
allocates travel support (travel, hotel and per diem) for an amount
equivalent to 20 appointed members or rapporteurs to attend only a CCWG
face-to-face meeting. The Co-Chairs have the authority to re-allocate this
amount – this could include supporting requests for partial funding to
allow them to maximize the number of members attending (e.g. the requestor
may ask for any or all of the following: airfare, and/or hotel and/or per
diem) or to extend the stay of some key participants.

You are eligible for travel support from the CCWG if you are an officially
appointed member of WS2 from a chartering SO or AC or if you are officially
listed as a Rapporteur or Co-Rapporteur on the CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Wiki
located at https://community.icann.org/display/WEIA/WS2+-+Enhancing+ICA
NN+Accountability+Home .

Travel support arrangements will follow Constituency Travel Guidelines
located at: https://community.icann.org/display/trvlconstit/Constituency

The CCWG travel support slots will be allocated in priority as follows:

CCWG-Accountability Co-Chairs – 3 slots (or equivalent amount)

CCWG-Accountability Chartering Organization Appointed Members

CCWG-Accountability Rapporteurs

CCWG appointed Members and Rapporteurs requesting consideration by the
Co-Chairs for travel support to attend a face-to-face meeting must complete
and submit the travel request form by the stipulated deadline in order to
be considered for funding.

NOTE: In evaluating the applications for travel funding the Co-Chairs will
consider applicant's attendance to CCWG meetings and their contributions to
the ongoing work as well as the availability of alternate funding to the

CCWG Staff support will send out an announcement regarding the application
for travel support and deadline for application submissions as soon as a
face-to-face meeting has been approved. Applications to request travel
support are located at: https://community.icann.org/di

Completed forms can be sent to  Acct-Staff at icann.org <Acct-Staff at icann.org>
for submission to the Co-Chairs for review and approval.

All applicants for CCWG WS2 travel support will be posted on the CCWG WS2
wiki under Travel Support. Names will be listed REQUESTED and once approved
will be listed as APPROVED for travel support including the type of support
that is approved.

The Co-Chairs will review the applications received, including the requests
for partial support, and determine the list of approved CCWG members who
will receive travel funding.

The CCWG approved travel support list will be submitted to ICANN
Constituency Travel for processing according to community travel guidelines.

The approved list of funded CCWG members will be posted on the WS2 wiki at


CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Supported Travel Request Form

You are eligible for travel support from the CCWG-Accountability only if
you are an officially appointed member of WS2 from a chartering SO or AC or
if you are an officially listed Rapporteur for a WS2 sub-group.

The CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Co-Chairs will review the applications
received, including the requests for partial support, and determine the
list of approved CCWG members who will receive travel funding.

The CCWG-Accountability-WS2 approved travel support list will be submitted
to ICANN Constituency Travel for processing according to community travel

Travel support arrangements will follow Constituency travel guidelines
located at: https://community.icann.org/display/trvlconstit/Constituency

CCWG-Accountability-WS2 appointed Members or rapporteurs requesting
consideration by the Co-Chairs for travel support to attend a face-to-face
meeting must complete and submit the travel request form by the stipulated
deadline in order to be considered for funding.

Applicant Identification



     Chartering Org or Rapporteur for which WS2 Group:

     Email address:

     Date of Request:

Other sources of support


Please indicate if you are receiving travel support from another
organization to attend the ICANN meeting

     I am receiving support from another organization (yes or no):

If you are not receiving support from another organization, please proceed
to “Support requested from CCWG-Accountability”. If you are receiving
support, please provide the information requested below:

     Name of the Organization(s) providing the support:

Indicate type of support and how many days the support is provided (BY

     Airfare (yes or no):

     Hotel (# days):

     Per Diem (# days):

Support requested from CCWG-Accountability


Please indicate the type of travel support (including the number of days)
you are seeking from the CCWG for WS2 - please remember this is only for
attending the Face to Face meeting and is not for the entire ICANN meeting.

     Airfare (yes or no):

     Hotel (# days):

     Per Diem (# days):
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