[ALT-Plus] [CPWG] PIR and Dot Org

Alberto Soto alberto at soto.net.ar
Mon Jan 6 04:35:42 UTC 2020

Two mistakes the author of the article: thinks that Maureen is the one who makes the decisions, does not know how ALAC works, and puts all the responsibility to her before the world. Think that we represent the interests of organizations and not end users.

This does not mean that we discuss and if there is consensus, an opinion of ALAC on the subject is issued.






De: CPWG <cpwg-bounces at icann.org> en nombre de Maureen Hilyard <maureen.hilyard at gmail.com>
Fecha: domingo, 5 de enero de 2020, 21:55
Para: ALAC Members <ALAC-members at icann.org>, CPWG <cpwg at icann.org>, ALT-Plus <alt-plus at icann.org>, ALAC <alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Asunto: [CPWG] PIR and Dot Org




Well that is certainly forcing our hand to take some action. But with arrows flying in all sorts of directions it has been difficult to know which one to follow, and I note there has been a break in the conversations on this topic.


Interesting and very timely that Roberto raised the .org issue again in an earlier email today. I started a response until JZ reminded us that the thread was about .com 


I agree with Roberto's approach  - that we should focus on our role as the voice of At-Large end-users and offer some creative advice on how we might influence the behaviour of PIR and any future decisions they make that will impact on .org end-users. PIR/Ethos already presented a webinar and said all the right things.. but how can we be assured that they will stick to what they said that they would do in the future? Who will monitor this on behalf of ordinary end-users? Who will be represented on the Stewardship Council?


At the same time we may also need to advise the ICANN Board about how they might deal with the ICANN-PIR/Ethos contract - especially Roberto's recommendation of some commitment from ICANN that ethical behaviour towards .org end-users will be built into it.


We are aware that the Board is looking into every legal issue relating to how they can deal with matters that are being raised by letters that are flowing their way. We don't need to add more of the same.


While i think it might be seen to be a simplistic approach, I believe that we should stick to what our job is and focus on advice to the Board and to PIR- but lets try to be creative about how we advise them, looking at the impacts on end-users from all perspectives.


My 2c




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