[AT-Review] WG2 and WG3 - Documents to project ?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr langdonorr at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 04:08:45 UTC 2010

Static version of the document (PDF) for room use is NOT attached...
this is what I got GRRR
ATRT WG-3 Beijing Meeting Update_INTERIM_Discussion paper.pdf 320K - Attachment
failed. This may be due to a proxy or firewall. Use classic uploader Retry
Remove Help<http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&ctx=mail&answer=99915>
Attach another file

I'll put it on a stick if you have one with you Alice / Cory

We will project here and make edits on a word format though  so will be
update to site later...

Can you also make sure this is emailed to Berkman

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

On 30 August 2010 13:44, Alice Jansen <alice.jansen at icann.org> wrote:

>  Dear WG 2 and WG3 Chairs,
> Please advise whether you wish to project documents on the screen and in
> the Adobe during your presentation.
> If you could forward these to Cory and I, that would be great.
> Thanks so much,
> Kind regards
> Alice
> Alice E. Jansen
> --------------------------
> Assistant, Organizational & Affirmation Reviews
> alice.jansen at icann.org
> Direct Dial: +
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> Skype: alice_jansen_icann
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> 6, Rond Point Schuman
> B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
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