[AT-Review] ATRT on ICANN site and posting of RFP

Doug Brent doug.brent at icann.org
Wed Jun 2 19:31:40 UTC 2010

Absolutely Brian. Will go out today.

On 6/2/10 11:57 AM, "Brian Cute" <briancute at afilias.info> wrote:


Can the RFP be posted today?  We are requesting written responses to the RFP by June 11, 2010 and need to have presentations to the RT from candidates in Brussels at the ICANN meeting.  If there is any problem with getting this posted, please let me know immediately as we may be forced to change the terms of the RFP if that is the case.


From: Brian Cute [mailto:briancute at afilias.info]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:37 PM
To: denise.michel at icann.org; at-review at icann.org
Cc: 'Olof Nordling'; 'Alice Jansen'; 'Doug Brent'
Subject: [AT-Review] ATRT on ICANN site and posting of RFP


Our most immediate need is to get the RFP for the Management Assessment consultant posted to the ICANN home page today.  Alice has the final copy (and may already be in the process of getting it posted).

Thanks for your follow up concerning the ATRT link that now appears on the ICANN home page under the “In Focus” section.  With regard to the ICANN home page, the ATRT would like the ATRT work and process to have a more visible position on the home page.  Could a “blue box” for the ATRT be created – there are currently 4 blue boxes on the top left hand side of the home page for “Public Comment” “Dashboard” “New Top-Level Domains” and “Root DNSSEC.”  Let us know if that is feasible.  Alternatively, if a separate “white box” could be created that would allow the ATRT to post its most important, current work items (like the “ICANN Announcements”, “ICANN Blog”, “ICANN in the news” boxes.

Either box would allow the visitor to click through to the internal ATRT page.  The desire is for constant higher visibility on the home page.  Thank you.


Doug Brent
Chief Operating Officer
Voice: +1 310.301.3871
Mobile: +1 650.996.4447
Fax: +1 310.823.8649
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