[AT-Review] A link for ongoing community input ..

Manal Ismail manal at tra.gov.eg
Wed Jun 30 07:33:22 UTC 2010

Dear Colleagues ..
Reference to the separate link we've asked for, on the ICANN website, to allow the Community to provide inputs and suggestions at any point during the ATRT review, the webadmin would like to know what kind of public forum we wish to launch for the permanent input repository link - see below his comments:
" A) Create a public comment forum just like this one: http://forum.icann.org/lists/atrt-questions-2010/ <http://forum.icann.org/lists/atrt-questions-2010/>  where everyone can submit and view the comments, but that it will never close? or,

B) Create a different email account that the public can still submit inputs to, but since it's an email account, it will be private?

Also, please know that any feedback on what you have in mind is most welcome."
I personally believe we should allow both and keep it to the sender's preference .. I think during one of our meetings with the community we only mentioned that we won't accept anonymous submissions ..
Awaiting your feedback so that Alice can proceed ..
Kind Regards

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