[AT-Review] tweeting as @AoC_ATRT

Louis Lee louie at equinix.com
Thu May 27 22:23:01 UTC 2010

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 02:28:35PM -0700, wadelman at godaddy.com wrote:
> Louie has assumed control of the Twitter account. I did slip in
> a transparent laptop before transferring control. :-)

Thanks, Warren! :)


I've added the Tweetybot to our "What are you doing?" Google
Wave so that all A&T RT members would be able to tweet as the
@AoC_ATRT Twitter account holder without having to distribute
the account password.

Just a couple of things...

1. Not all RT members are on this Wave. So if any member still
   needs an invitation, please holler.  I don't have any invitations,
   but maybe Cheryl does.

2. If you are on this Wave, please try a test tweet by entering
   text in the "What are you doing?" box at the top and clicking
   on "Update".  Cheryl's having some problems, and we're trying
   to figure out where the problem is.

Thanks so much!
ASO AC Chair
Louis Lee            louie at equinix.com
NRO Number Council   http://www.nro.net/about/number-council.html
ASO Address Council  http://aso.icann.org/ac/

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