[AT-Review] FW: Comments on ATRT Draft Proposed Recommendations ..

Manal Ismail manal at tra.gov.eg
Wed Nov 24 13:06:53 UTC 2010

Dear Colleagues ..


I'm attaching Denmark's comments on the ATRT Draft Proposed Recommendations received over email (also attached below) ..

I would like to grasp the opportunity to also bring to your attention ICC's input on ATRT recommendations submitted online at: http://forum.icann.org/lists/atrt-draft-proposed-recommendations/ ..


Kind Regards




From: Julia Kahan-Czarny [mailto:jukc at itst.dk] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:46 PM
To: 'fabio at colasanti.it'; Manal Ismail
Cc: Jakob Juul; Finn Petersen; Mette Schiøtz Sørensen; Heather.Dryden at ic.gc.ca; Siv Mørch Jacobsen; Allan Villadsen; Lars Kodahl Bendtsen; Lars Ole Bjørn; Henriette Stang Hellen
Subject: Danish Comments to the A&T RT Draft Proposed Recommendations


Dear A&T RT, 

Hereby attached are Denmark's comments to the Draft Proposed Recommendations.

Best regards,

Julia Kahan-Czarny

Head of Section/GAC representative 
Mobile Division 
Phone: + 45 3545 0375 
E-mail: jukc at itst.dk  

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation 

National IT and Telecom Agency 
Holsteinsgade 63 
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø 
Phone: +45 3545 0000 
Fax: +45 3545 0010 
E-mail: itst at itst.dk 
www.itst.dk <http://www.itst.dk/>  







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