[AT-Review] Draft - next version

Brian Cute briancute at afilias.info
Wed Oct 20 04:48:19 UTC 2010



Attached is the next version of the draft which incorporates our discussion
from the call yesterday.  Please note and review the following changes:


Berkman statement of methodology - p.3

Revised description of PPC activities - p. 29

Corrected quote from public comment - pp. 29-30

Cheryl's definition of Cross Community deliberation - p. 29

WG3 Findings - p. 31

WG3 revised recommendation #8 - p.32

WG3 revised recommendation #9 - p.33 

WG4 - please read in entirety.  Substantial edits provided by Chris.

ATRT RFI to ICANN Staff - text from Staff response - p.37-39

California law summary (reviewed and edited by Berkman) - p.42-43


One point from our call that is not yet addressed in the draft is Larry's
point concerning the IRP undertaking de novo review.  Please offer language
for inclusion.


Note that I will do further editing to address grammar, style, structure and
citations.  If anyone has edits to suggest on this front please send them to




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