[AT-Review] Draft announcement of Public Comment opening

Fabio Colasanti fabio at colasanti.it
Fri Oct 29 12:38:32 UTC 2010

Manal, Brian,

for me the text is fine.


> ==========================
> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 07:36:44 -0400
> From: "Brian Cute" <briancute at afilias.info>
> To: <at-review at icann.org>, <ugasser at cyber.law.harvard.edu>,  
>        "'Caroline Nolan'" <cnolan at cyber.law.harvard.edu>,    
>      <rfaris at cyber.law.harvard.edu>
> Subject: [AT-Review] Draft announcement of Public Comment opening
> ==========================
> RT,
> Attached is a draft of the proposed announcement of the issuance 
> of the
> draft recommendations for Public Comment that Manal and I drafted. 
>  Since
> there is an open "public input" mechanism, there is language 
> at the end to
> provide clarity to the community and to set a closing date for 
> that public
> input mechanism.  If you have edits, please provide them rapidly. 
>  Thank
> you.
> Regards,
> Brian
Allegato "<A HREF="/cgi-bin/visp/main.pl/ATRTpubliccommentannounce.doc?SK=sk128835554719595&r=4ccab258.0.xafd7&arg=att1.2">ATRTpubliccommentannounce.doc</A>" (application/msword)<BR>
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