[AT-Review] Working Group 2 Summary

Manal Ismail manal at tra.gov.eg
Sun Sep 5 12:21:38 UTC 2010

Dear Colleagues ..

It seems that I have edited in a version that was not the latest, sincere apologies .. 
I'm attaching again the version of the document that Larry sent to the list yesterday and have included in it my additions along with Fabio's below suggestion ..
For ease of reference, kindly note that no changes took place to the original text sent by Larry and that all additions are marked in track changes ..
Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused ..

Kind regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Fabio Colasanti [mailto:fabio at colasanti.it] 
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2010 7:48 AM
To: Manal Ismail; Larry Strickling; at-review at icann.org
Cc: FAlexander at ntia.doc.gov; guofeng at catr.cn
Subject: Re: [AT-Review] Working Group 2 Summary

I repeat my suggestion to add the following bullet point:

- by creating a database listing the advice received from GAC and the follow-up it has received?


> ==========================
> Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2010 02:58:20 +0200
> From: "Manal Ismail" <manal at tra.gov.eg>
> To: "Larry Strickling" <Lstrickling at ntia.doc.gov>, <at-review at icann.org>
> Cc: Fiona Alexander <FAlexander at ntia.doc.gov>, guofeng at catr.cn
> Subject: Re: [AT-Review] Working Group 2 Summary
> ==========================
> Dear Larry ..
> Many thanks for the draft ..
> I've tried, to my best, to fulfill the missing information ..
> I still intend to go through the document again before our call 
> but decided to send this version for the sake of time, apologies 
> for the delay ..
> Hope I have not misunderstood any of the place holders ..
> Meanwhile, I believe we should also reference the GAC Operating 
> Principles ..
> Kind Regards
> --Manal
> ________________________________
> ãä: at-review-bounces at icann.org ÈÇáäíÇÈÉ Úä Larry Strickling
> ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÅÑÓÇá: ÇáÌãÚÉ 03/09/2010 11:38 ã
> Åáì: at-review at icann.org
> äÓÎÉ: Fiona Alexander; guofeng at catr.cn
> ÇáãæÖæÚ: [AT-Review] Working Group 2 Summary
> Here is a rough draft of the summary for Working Group 2.  There 
> are a number of factual holes that I am hoping Manal will be 
> able to fill at the appropriate time.  I did not follow Chris' 
> template to the letter, partly because the review questions I 
> have set forth are all on matters on which, in my view, it is 
> appropriate for the ATRT to comment as part of our review.  We 
> can discuss on Monday.
> Brian, if Berkman is not already on the AT-Review mailing list, 
> could you forward this document to them?
> Larry
Allegato "<A HREF="/cgi-bin/visp/main.pl/WG%202%20-%20redline%20MI.doc?SK=sk128366174051358&r=4c82ecf9.0.x13cae&arg=att1.2">WG 2 - redline MI.doc</A>" (application/msword)<BR>
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