[AT-Review] Berkman Center Midterm Report to the ATRT

Caroline Nolan cnolan at cyber.law.harvard.edu
Mon Sep 13 17:48:29 UTC 2010

Dear All:

Attached is the Berkman Center's Midterm Report to the ATRT.

We wanted to highlight a couple of aspects of the included materials, 
which are outlined in our Table of Contents (p.1):

    * We have provided feedback on the WG Issues Template and the Draft
      Issues Reports that we received from WGs 1, 2, and 4 (pp. 7-26).
      We found the WG summaries very informative and helpful to our own
      inquiry and we're grateful for the collaboration. We look forward
      to commenting on WG3's draft when it is shared with the wider list.

    * We have also included a Revised Selection Criteria and List of
      Interviewees (p. 27). We would greatly appreciate any rapid
      feedback you may be able to provide us by recommending additional
      individuals for interviews, as we plan to conduct the majority of
      our interviews in the next 10 days.

    *  Also included is a preliminary draft of our case study regarding
      the introduction of new gTLDs (pp. 54-75). The case is based on
      publicly available materials, including public comments, ICANN
      documents, academic studies, media reports and expert opinion and
      provides a tentative summary of the facts. As outlined in our
      cover note on (p. 54), the Berkman team will continue to add to
      this case study based upon feedback by the ATRT and interviews
      with ICANN staff, community members and stakeholders. These
      interviews are currently being conducted as part of the second
      phase of the workplan. We hope the ATRT will be able to provide
      feedback in the coming week, so that we can incorporate changes
      and suggestions into this and the other case studies.

We look forward to your thoughts and feedback.

The Berkman Team
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