[atrt2] Timeline for Draft Report

Fiona Alexander FAlexander at ntia.doc.gov
Fri Sep 20 13:32:04 UTC 2013

Hi Alice

Thanks for sending.  Seeing things written on paper is very helpful.  One question though, if the ATRT2 comments will be compiled and resolved on Oct 6 then what exactly would be the corrections sent to the translation team on Oct 11th.  Also can we identify today the time and duration for the call on Oct 1st.  My recommendation is that we block a large amount of time and if we don't need it the meeting could end early.  

From: atrt2-bounces at icann.org [atrt2-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Alice Jansen [alice.jansen at icann.org]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 9:28 AM
To: atrt2 at icann.org
Subject: [atrt2] Timeline for Draft Report

Dear Review Team Members,

In light of your agreement reached this morning, please find attached the timeline for your Draft Report.
This will be posted on the wiki.

Very best regards


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