[atrt2] Draft Report - version 1 for review

Larisa B. Gurnick larisa.gurnick at icann.org
Sun Oct 6 00:20:53 UTC 2013

Dear Review Team,
Attached is the Draft Report for your review.  It consolidates all the sections circulated by the Review Team thus far.  This document is also available on the wiki<https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/43975118/ATRT2%20Report%205%20Oct%20v.1.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1381018232938&api=v2>.

Please note the following:

1.       Brian will add text to create a smooth transition from the introduction section to the "templates" or detailed assessment section.

2.       Green highlights reference the wiki rows for ease of reference - these will need to be removed before publication.

3.       References to New Recommendations made by ATRT 2 and the underlying "templates" or detailed assessments will need to be mapped out and numbered more clearly.

4.       I took the liberty to provide several suggested edits in the beginning portion of the draft.

5.       Formatting will be standardized later.

As you have not specified the method that you would like to follow to consolidate edits and revisions, staff suggests that your individual comments and edits be made in the attached document in redline mode (i.e. track changes) and circulated to all.   Once you reach a consensus on which changes should be incorporated in the report, staff will make final revisions to the master document.    We will coordinate this with Brian.

Please let me, Charla or Alice know if you are experiencing any difficulties with this file - it is quite large.

Best regards,

Larisa B. Gurnick
Consultant/Senior Director, Organizational Reviews
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
larisa.gurnick at icann.org<mailto:larisa.gurnick at icann.org>
310 383-8995

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