[atrt2] ATRT2 Final Report and Translations

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Wed Jan 8 20:11:22 UTC 2014


Thanks.  There have been claims of ICANN not being transparent on 
various lists, so I wanted to send out a "how about this?" with a pointer.

Of course in the long run it will be ICANN staff that determines whether 
this was just a exercise or results in genuine improvement.


On 08-Jan-14 13:41, Larisa B. Gurnick wrote:
> Avri,
> The Final Report will be posted on the ICANN web site via an Announcement and opening of a public comment period.  This is currently in the works and I will supply the Review Team with the link as soon as web admin confirms publication.
> Larisa
> -----Original Message-----
> From: atrt2-bounces at icann.org [mailto:atrt2-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Avri Doria
> Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 10:04 AM
> To: atrt2 at icann.org
> Subject: Re: [atrt2] ATRT2 Final Report and Translations
> Hi,
> Does this report get announced on the ICANN site anywhere?  Is it published on a public site.  I want to point someone at it, but did not know what to point at.
> thanks
> avri
> On 07-Jan-14 14:05, Larisa B. Gurnick wrote:
>> Dear ATRT2,
>> Happy New Year!  I would like to provide you with an update on the
>> posting of the Final ATRT2 Report.
>> As you know, Brian has submitted the Final Report to the Board on 31
>> December.  Staff will post the Final Report for Public Comment, in
>> accordance with the AoC requirements, as soon as possible.  The
>> process of translating the full Final Report into 5 UN languages has
>> begun and will be completed by the end of January; translated report
>> will be posted for Public Comment at that time.  Public Comment period
>> will be calculated to provide sufficient time, to accommodate the
>> posting of translated report.  Public Comments will be considered by
>> the Board prior to taking action on the ATRT2 Report and Recommendations.
>> Thank you and it has been a pleasure working with all of you for the
>> last nine months.
>> Best regards,
>> */Larisa B. Gurnick/*
>> Consultant/Senior Director, Organizational Reviews
>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>> larisa.gurnick at icann.org <mailto:larisa.gurnick at icann.org>
>> 310 383-8995
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