[bc-gnso] Time Sensitive: Support for Draft GAC Minority Statement?

Steve DelBianco sdelbianco at netchoice.org
Thu Sep 9 20:16:10 UTC 2021


Thanks for sharing GAC’s minority statement on the EPDP Phase 2A.

The GAC’s statement is consistent with BC’s minority statement (current draft<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1phM08XQiVCHmqtBS1EV0XNkv_dkasZ9PfKtKNMpcNgE/edit>) and these previously stated BC positions on EPDP:

  *   BC and IPC submitted a joint minority statement for EPDP Phase 2<https://www.icannbc.org/assets/docs/positions-statements/2020/2020_07July_29%20Minority%20Statement%20of%20the%20BC%20and%20IPC%20on%20the%20EPDP%20Phase%202%20Final%20Report.pdf>.
  *   BC Phase 2A Initial Report comments<https://cbu.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/positions-statements/2021/2021_07July_19%20BC%20response%20to%20EPDP%20Phase%202A%20initial%20report.pdf>

So, please feel free to indicate that BC Supports the GAC statement.


Steve DelBianco
President & CEO, NetChoice
Vice chair, ICANN BC Policy Coordination

From: "Kapin, Laureen" <LKAPIN at ftc.gov>
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 5:56 AM
To: "'alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca'" <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>, "brian.kingATmarkmonitor.com" <brian.king at markmonitor.com>, Margie Milam <margiemilam at fb.com>, "MarksvATmicrosoft.com" <Marksv at microsoft.com>
Subject: Time Sensitive: Support for Draft GAC Minority Statement?

Hi folks,

  I’m attaching the GAC’s draft minority statement to see if your stakeholder groups would consider supporting it?  If so, we would add an indication on the first page indicating such support.  Many apologies for the short time frame to consider, however, as you will see, the positions taken are consistent with our views throughout the EPDP Team Phase 2a deliberations.  If you might let me know as soon as possible that would be much appreciated because the deadline for submission is Friday.

Kind regards,
Laureen Kapin

Acting Assistant Director
Division of Consumer Response and Operations
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Federal Trade Commission

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