[bc-gnso] POSTED: BC comment on Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook

Steve DelBianco sdelbianco at netchoice.org
Tue Apr 2 19:10:44 UTC 2024

The attached comment was posted today.

Thanks again to David and Vivek for drafting.

On 3/27/24, 10:17 AM, "Steve DelBianco" <sdelbianco at netchoice.org> wrote:

BC members –

Thanks to David Snead and Vivek Goyal, we have a draft comment on ICANN’s Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program.   (link<https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/review-of-the-draft-applicant-support-program-asp-handbook-new-gtld-program-12-02-2024> to comments page).

Please see their draft Google Sheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JuYok6bIZYEuuxvw1DqvGld7YWNendU0aHCNIpFv6-8/edit#gid=912207316>, with this note from David:
Since the comments are basically limited to “does this meet the spec” and we’ve already commented on that, I think this is a lightweight way to do it.  I do plan on adding at least one overall observation:  the guidebook is very densely written, so it will be very difficult for applicants who need support to even understand it.

Back in Sep-2023 we commented<https://cbu.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/positions-statements/2023/2023_09September_11_BC%20response%20to%20GNSO%20Guidance%20Process%20for%20Applicant%20Support%20Recommendations.pdf> on the GNSO Guidance process for applicant support, thanks to Vivek Goyal and David Snead (noting that Lawrence Olawale-Roberts  represented us on the working group).

Comments close 2-Apr, so please reply all with your edit suggestions by 1-Apr.

Thanks again to David, Vivek, and Lawrence for drafting and reviewing.

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