[ccPDP4-IDNWG] Chair and vice -chair nomination WG ccPDP4

Bart Boswinkel bart.boswinkel at icann.org
Wed Oct 7 13:32:50 UTC 2020

Dear all,
As promised yesterday please find included a brief re-cap  from yesterday’s discussion on nomination process.
As noted on yesterday’s call, some people on the WG raised some concerns about the nomination procedure.  I realized I was too pragmatic on the previous call by suggesting the chair and vice-chair, without having shared clear deadlines and procedure for nominations and expression of preference. This being said and going forward I will inform the ccNSO Council that for future charters/Terms of References a light weight procedure to nominate the chair and vice-chair needs to be included in the charter. Secondly, and of more of relevancy for this group, I suggested two alternatives moving forward:

Alternative 1. Keep nomination as is ( Kenny as chair and Anil as Vice-chair) and the ccNSO Council will be asked to appoint them. For the up-coming sub-working groups chair nominations the WG will agree first upon light-weight procedure ( deadline for nominations and acceptance of nominations, procedure to express preference if more than one candidate). Please note: 1. The sub-working group chairs will be appointed by the chair and vice-chair ( in accordance with the charter) and 2. Sub-working group chair will be require a time-commitment comparable with if not more than regular chair and vice-chair role (due to need to attend both the sub-working group meetings and full WG to report on progress).

Alternative 2. Circulate light weigh procedure for chair / vice chair nomination by the WG members. WG to adopt procedure. After adoption start with step that all nominees will be again and explicitly be asked to express their willingness to stand as Chair/vice-chair.  If more than one candidate for eother chair or vice-chair role only the members of the WG will be asked to express their preference ( confidentially).  For sub-working groups we will use the same nomination procedure as shared

Please share your view (members and other participants) whether you prefer Alternative 1 or Alternative 2 by Friday 9 October 23.59 UTC  either on list or directly to me.

Please note that someone suggested also to appoint two vice-chairs. However as noted in a response, it is more prudent to limit the number of vice -chairs of the WG, ensure capable candidates as sub-WG chairs and to avoid coordination issues.
Kind regards,
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