[ccPDP4-IDNWG] NOTES | ccPDP4 IDN WG Teleconference #22 | 14 September 2021 (13:00 UTC)

Joke Braeken joke.braeken at icann.org
Tue Sep 14 14:01:33 UTC 2021

Dear All,

Please find some notes from today’s ccPDP4-WG meeting below.

Best regards,

Joke Braeken

  1.  Welcome, roll call and agenda bashing

Welcome by Chair Kenny Huang (.tw)
First meeting since 4 weeks.
Some apologies received

2.                  Administrative matters

a.                  Deselection subgroup launch
6 members volunteered. Experts and observers as well. Chair and vice chair of the full WG subscribed also to the mailing list. Small but select group.
Thank you for volunteering

b.      Appointment Chair / Vice-Chair
Svitlana candidate for Vice Chair, Anil candidate for Chair
Kenny nominates both. Thank you both for having stepped forward.

c.       Action Items (if any)
Bart: no open action items. Doc has been updated, call for volunteers has been concluded.

3.                  Subgroup update

a.                  Variant Management – Alireza or Dennis

Dennis gives an update. 3 weeks since the group met last. Sub-group gone through all the items from the staff report at least once. Now to formulate a recommendation to full WG in terms of the overlap.
Bart: still need to look at the Technical Study questions/recommendations. We also still need to address the IDN Table Issues.

4.                  IDN EPDP Update

Edmon is the chair of this effort. Anil is participating, and Alireza and Dennis are liaisons.
Edmon: not sure what the context is in terms of the agenda item. Brief update where we are. GNSO-side kicked off the epdp about a month. Weekly calls. Progress: behind vs cc-PDP. Completed a brief survey of the workplan. Will take approx 1,5 year to 20 months. Leadership team and staff put this together. During the meeting later this week further considered, and workplan to be put forward to GNSO Council
Substance: decided not to split in sub-groups for the time being. 1 unit that will work on the issues in the charter. (A to G) currently addressing A. Data gathering needed of the existing IDN gTLDs, and list the type of issues to consider.
Edmon to join the Board soon. EoI for new Chair has been issued, and will step down soon.

Dennis is the vice chair of the ccPDP4-VM group. Liaison between this group and the gnso epdp. Alireza is the appointed liaison through the epdp effort. If there are issues or questions, this is an opportunity to raise them with the full WG.
Hadia: question to Edmon. Survey that he mentioned. What data will be collected? Understood that the issues are identified through the charter.
Bart: perhaps a question for the EPDP itself. Too detailed for this group.
Edmon: survey was done during the meetings, relates to the workplan. Data gathering for certain items that are discussed: what is happening with IDN gTLDs?

5.                  Second reading section 9 D & E; first reading section 9 F & G

  *   Second reading section 9 D & E

Line 6-8
Questions? Comments? None

2nd scenario. When a string is still in progress under the fast track process.

Line 9-13?
Questions? Comments? None
No red marks

Line 14-17
Sarmad: there are some scenarios which have bene raised by the Technical Study Group as well. Overlaps with number 4. Idn cctlds that could potentially be variant tlds, but that have been delegated as synchronous tlds. No discussion happened yet. Grandfathered? Or ? once that discussions happens, flag this to be addressed
Bart: variants not as part of FTP, even though there is a link, simply separate idn ccTLDS. Perhaps good to make a note and to revisit this with the full WG.
Anil: agrees. Wait for more clarity. Add as a note.
Hadia:  does not understand what Sarmad said, how it could impact number 3.
Sarmad: if they are grandfathered as is, then the variant rules, or the recommendation applied on variant TLDs would not apply to them. But they would apply, if they would be considered variants.
Hadia: need a policy that distinguishes what was delegated under Fast Track Process, and what is the variant. Confusing.
Bart: first VM-subgroup to finish its work
Jiankang; line 13. Selection policy. Process, but not for this selection. Wording should be clearer
Bart: this is just defining the trigger events. The policy itself has already been approved. Once the trigger event has been identified by the full WG, the de-selection/removal/retirement process applies. This is only the de-selection itself. The recommendations on the de-selection of the string.
Jiankang: de-selection is an action, not a policy. If it is a policy with special wording, it should be capitalised.
Bart: external event which triggers the application of the retirement policy
Hadia: add 1 line addressing Sarmad’s point
Bart: could be addressed in number 4 as well. Based on outcome of the VM-group, we need to re-address this. Suggestion to close this item for now.

Item E
Action from ccNSO Council, not from the board. Not so much time-driven as event driven
No red marks

  *   first reading section 9 F & G

Developed in the 2011 era. Since then, significant progress has been made with respect to the link between policy development and implementation. Further developed in GNSO area. Lot of experience with the fast track process.

Line 13-17
Questions? Comments?

Section G
See table.
Hadia: why permanent?
Bart: to ensure that it always exists. Taken into context from 2011.
Advise to strike this. Rely on the ability to review the process by the ccnso council.
Hadia: no need to have this permanent. Sees a need for an implementation WG that includes original people that created the policy, and that could help with the interpretation.
Bart: under auspices of the ccnso council, that will consult with the community. All decisions subject to membership approval. Captured under F.
Anil: is there something similar?
Bart: no such thing for ccTLDs.
Anil: no need either.
No red marks

Section 9 to be included in the overall doc.
Revisit F and G at the next call.

6.                  AOB

7.                  Format of next meetings

28 September | 13:00 UTC – final call of full group / first call of DES subgroup

8.                  Closure

Thank you. Bye all.

Joke Braeken
ccNSO Policy Advisor
joke.braeken at icann.org

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