[Area 1] First Draft

Grace Abuhamad grace.abuhamad at icann.org
Thu Dec 11 05:08:55 UTC 2014

Sam, Robin ‹ David has already completed a draft of a report by SubGroup1.
Please see attached.


From:  "David W. Maher" <dmaher at pir.org>
Date:  Wednesday, December 10, 2014 6:11 PM
To:  Grace Abuhamad <grace.abuhamad at icann.org>, Accountability Staff
<accountability-staff at icann.org>
Subject:  Re: [CCWG-Accountability] Notes, action items & materials from
today's meeting

Here is a preliminary draft of a report by SubGroup 1.
David W. Maher
Senior Vice President ­ Law & Policy
Public Interest Registry
312 375 4849 

From: Grace Abuhamad <grace.abuhamad at icann.org>
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 4:56 PM
To: MARIKA KONINGS <marika.konings at icann.org>, Accountability Cross
Community <accountability-cross-community at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [CCWG-Accountability] Notes, action items & materials from
today's meeting

Dear all, 

The meeting page (https://community.icann.org/x/M4MHAw) has been updated
with notes, recording, and chat transcript. The formal transcript will

Please add my email address (grace.abuhamad at icann.org) as well as the
accountability-staff at icann.org email address to your contacts to avoid the
messages going to spam/junk folders. If you have an issue, request, etc,
please direct your message to accountability-staff at icann.org. This will
allow for the team to respond in a timely manner. As much as possible, when
communicating as your staff support (call details, etc.), we will endeavor
to use the accountability-staff at icann.org address.


From: Marika Konings <marika.konings at icann.org>
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 5:02 PM
To: Accountability Cross Community
<accountability-cross-community at icann.org>
Subject: [CCWG-Accountability] Notes, action items & materials from today's

Dear All,

Please find below the notes and action items from today¹s meeting. The
materials presented during the meeting have also been attached. Please note
the following action items:
* Everyone to provide / complete their statement of interest, if not done so
* Contact Grace if you are interested in volunteering as the ATRT Past
Participant (for members/participants that have participated in ATRTI/II)
* Everyone is expected to be familiar with the charter so please review the
charter in detail if you have not done so yet.
* Staff to review current make-up of CCWG and suggest a rotation that takes
into account location of members & participants. (to be shared later today
or tomorrow)
* All to provide feedback on draft timeline (see attached)
* Volunteers to come forward for these sub-teams prior to the meeting next
week, especially a co-ordinator / rapporteur for Area III.
All the materials, including recordings and transcript will be posted on the
CCWG wiki shortly (see https://community.icann.org/x/M4MHAw).

The next meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday 16 December at 11.00 UTC.

Best regards,


Notes 9/12

1. Welcome, roll call & introductions
* Please remember to mute your microphones when not speaking
* Introduction of co-chairs - Thomas Rickert (GNSO) & Mathieu Weill (ccNSO).
Additional co-chairs may be appointed by other chartering organizations.
* Introduction of support staff for the CCWG: Grace Abuhamad, Adam Peake,
Bart Boswinkel, Marika Konings, Berry Cobb. Note that Grace and Adam will be
the primary points of contact for this effort.
* Roll call will be taken based on the attendance in Adobe Connect, asking
those that are only on the phone bridge to identify themselves.
* Everyone is expected to complete a statement of interest - staff will
follow up with those that have not provided one yet
* When signing into Adobe Connect, add your affiliation in brackets after
your name to facilitate identification of participants
* Please use the Adobe Connect hands raised function to indicate if you want
to join the speaking queue. For an introduction to Adobe Connect, please see
Action item: Everyone to provide / complete their statement of interest, if
not done so yet

2. Update on Membership & Participation
* Participants participate in the same way as chartering organization
appointed members
* Chartering organization appointed members have an additional role as they
are responsible for reaching out to their respective chartering
organizations and ensure that information goes back and forth from CCWG to
chartering organization
* No formal votes / consensus calls are planned to be taken as the chairs
intend to operate on the basis of consensus of the whole CCWG (any formal
consensus call would involve chartering organizations appointed members
* No decisions will be taken on the basis of one single call - any decisions
/ agreements will be circulated on the mailing list at a minimum to allow
for participants to provide input before a decision / agreement is
considered final. 
Action item: Contact Grace if you are interested in volunteering as the ATRT
Past Participant (for members/participants that have participated in

3. Review of CCWG-Accountability Charter
* Review of presentation (Please see presentation that was circulated
together with the agenda)
* Public Experts Group (PEG) Update - announcement will be made shortly
concerning 6 advisors which have been selected. 7th advisor still being
identified (local law, choice of law, jurisprudence).
* Will there be an expert who can identify what is possible under
Californian law/international law? CCWG can reach out to advisors, including
their networks, to provide input or aim to address those issues directly.
* The CCWG will be free to identify and request additional advisors, if need
* ATRTI/II discussed / researched some of these questions so some of that
information may be available in those reports and should be consulted first.
* Mechanism for delivery of work stream 1 deliverable - delivery of WS1
proposal is expected to occur following approval of the ICANN Board. Board
liaison is participating in CCWG and may be able to raise any potential
issues ahead of time, should there be any. Process by which the Board
intends to consider the proposal can be found here:
and is also referenced in the charter.
* How will this CCWG liaise / interface with the IANA Stewardship Transition
CWG and ICG? There are two individuals serving as the ICG liaison (Keith
Drazek and Kavouss Arasteh). In relation to the IANA Stewardship Transition
CWG, weekly calls have been scheduled between the chairs of the two CWGs to
ensure co-ordination and communication.
Action item: Everyone is expected to be familiar with the charter so please
review the charter in detail if you have not done so yet.

4. Confirm Working Methods
* See also slide deck
* Rotation of meetings - initial proposal was 11.00 and 14.00 UTC. Other
rotations have been used by other groups which may also be explored.
* No firm decisions are taking into account in one single meeting - any
proposed decisions / agreements will be open to review / comment by those
that may not have been able to attend a meeting
* Members are expected to communicate the views of the communities that have
selected them to the CCWG but also communicate back information and
deliberations from the CCWG to their respective communities
* All are expected to be familiar with and remain consistent with the
pre-existing documents and documents developed during the course of the work
of the CCWG.
* Provide substantive issues ahead of the meeting (ideally 12 hours in
* Where/how to post documents on the wiki space?
* Audio-cast will be available for those interested in following the
meetings - please share that link instead of the Adobe Connect link which is
intended to be the workspace for members & participants
* Please share documents not only in proprietary format but always include
at a minimum a pdf version
Action item: Staff to review current make-up of CCWG and suggest a rotation
that takes into account location of members & participants. (to be shared
later today or tomorrow)

5. Timeline
* See timeline slides presented - any comments / input encouraged
* Is it the intention that the CCWG finishes its work after Final Report on
WS2 or could it continue as a standing CCWG? Charter does not foresee that
the CCWG would continue on an indefinite basis - group is expected to close.
But CCWG could make a recommendation to that end should it be deemed
* Further details will be included in the timeline as the CCWG fleshes out
its work
Action item: All to provide feedback on draft timeline

6. Foundation for Work Plan
Suggested committees:
* Area I: Look at existing accountability mechanisms, including ATRTI/II
recommendations. Co-ordinator/Rapporteur: David Maher / Samantha Eisner
* Area II: Review input received in response to earlier public comment
period on accountability and categorize items in WS1 and WS2 or both,
including identifying proposals that have been made. Deliverable: list of
items that have been suggested and identify whether these belong in WS1, WS2
or both. Co-ordinator/Rapporteur: Steve DelBianco
* Area III: Review what has been identified by IANA Transition CWG in
relation to accountability and whether that is all WS1 related.
Co-ordinator/Rapporteur: TBC
* Area IV: Identify contingencies that could be relevant to accountability
mechanisms, especially in relation to WS1. Co-ordinator/Rapporteur: Eric
* Input received in response to public comment could include broader issues
/ recommendations than just area II
* Individual mailing list will be set up for these sub-committees to
faciliate their work.
* Sub-committees to develop proposed approach / timeline in time for next
Action item: Volunteers to come forward for these sub-teams prior to the
meeting next week, especially a co-ordinator / rapporteur for Area III.

7. AOB
* Consider scheduling next meeting for 120 minutes
* Next meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday 16 December at 11.00 UTC.
* Reminders will be sent prior to the meetings but are not sent to the
publicly archived mailing list but are sent individually (please whitelist
Grace Abuhamad's email address) to avoid these ending up in your spam filter

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