[Area 1] [CCWG-ACCT] Your public comment re replacement of IANA provider

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Tue Sep 22 05:45:43 UTC 2015

Hello Eberhard,

>>  would you be willing to share your "understanding" why you are seeking to introduce ICP-1 into  Garnishee-Appellee's Unopposed Motion for Leave to File a Supplemental Appendix (USCA Case #14-7193 Document #1573369)

I don't know anything about this - but will ask the ICANN legal team when I get into LA.

>>  while at the same time my understanding is that you agreed with ICP-1 being archived (as not ever having been policy)?

I assume you are asking what the status is of the ICP-1 document.   Again I will seek advice from staff and other Board members that are more familiar with the topic when I get into LA later this week.

Is this part of the CCWG proposal in some way?

Bruce Tonkin

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