[Area 2] CCWG-Accountability work team 2: draft 5.1

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Sun Jan 4 23:53:00 UTC 2015


I have done a first pass at adding the ATRT related reference to version
5.1 of the WA2 document.  As adding a column in the Microsoft word
document would have been challenging due to pretty table formatting, I
imported the chart into a wiki page:
<https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51416471> and
added the column there.  The file can be exported back out to Microsoft
Word if necessary.

From the updated page:

/Very few of the specific recommendations in this list have a
corresponding entry in ATRT1 or ATRT2 documentation.  In some cases the
topic was discussed but with different outcome.  Also ATRT
Recommendation 5 and 9 recommended several ongoing activities related to
improving the appeals, transparency and ombudsman activities, that did
not mention specific remedies, but rather recommended that a community
wide process be convened to discuss those issues in detail.  The Staff
summary of previous comments was more general and this on that table it
was easier to indicate the related area of the ATRT that dealt with that
kind of issue.  It is recommended that both this table and Issues
Identified During Public Comment
be consulted for a fuller picture./

I will attempt a deeper dive to see if I can find further applicable
references.  Having found so few, I am hoping that other ATRT past
members, and those who have read the ATRT reports, check my work and let
me know of errors and omissions.


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