[Area 2] Mining the Work Area 2 inventory for 'Requirements'

Thomas Rickert rickert at anwaelte.de
Mon Jan 19 21:46:35 UTC 2015

thank you for this.

The way we planned for the discussion to take place tomorrow, there will be ample opportunity for you and your group to contribute from the below document as these very questions will be raised.


> Am 19.01.2015 um 22:11 schrieb Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco at netchoice.org>:
> Chairs — to help kick things off tomorrow and to use some of the prior of work area 2, I went thru our 15-Jan version of WA2 inventory and extracted some requirements.   Just did the first page here. We could do the second and third page too, if you think that will be helpful.
> Note1: ‘Community’ refers to cross-community accountability group, whether by Members, Supervisory Board, or other mechanism.
> Community powers:
>> Community appoints representatives to the Affirmation of Commitments Review Teams.
>> Community has standing to send any board decision to independent Review Panel (may begin the IRP with a Cooperative Engagement Process)
>> Community has standing to begin a reconsideration request on decisions of board or ICANN management, on matters of process or of substance.
>> Community may approve/disapprove proposed ICANN annual budget.
>> Community may approve/disapprove proposed changes to ICANN bylaws or Articles of Incorporation.
>> Community may recall one or all ICANN board members.
> Review and Redress Mechanisms:
>> Decisions of Independent Review Panel are binding on ICANN’s board.
>> Panelists in the IRP pool should be selected by the Community.
>> The standard for Independent Review should be lower.
>> The cost to prosecute an Independent Review should be reduced.
>> IRP should address errors or ethical lapses.
>> Ombudsman should be able to investigate any accountability-related complaint brought by an ICANN employee, while protecting confidentiality of the employee
> Affirmation of Commitments:
>> The Affirmation of Commitments should not be a bilateral agreement with USG that can be canceled by either party.  It could be merged into ICANN bylaws, for example.
>> The Accountability & Transparency Review Team (ATRT) could recommend sunset of previously required reviews, and create new reviews.
> Mission/Scope of ICANN:
>> ICANN should be prevented from imposing obligations on others, unless supported by consensus of affected parties and necessary to protect the integrity and availability of unique identifiers in the DNS.
>> ICANN should be prevented from acting outside its Bylaws and Articles
>> Steve DelBianco
> Executive Director
> NetChoice
> http://www.NetChoice.org <http://www.netchoice.org/> and http://blog.netchoice.org <http://blog.netchoice.org/>
> +1.202.420.7482

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