[Ccwg-auctionproceeds] Final Report approved by all Chartering Organisations

Vanda Scartezini vanda at scartezini.org
Mon Sep 14 18:22:03 UTC 2020

Wonderful !!!! work well done. Glad to be part of the Auction Proceeds Effort !!! count on me ..
Kisses and congratulations to all!

Vanda Scartezini
Polo Consultores Associados
Av. Paulista 1159, cj 1004
01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253
Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464
Sorry for any typos.

From: Ccwg-auctionproceeds <ccwg-auctionproceeds-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org>
Date: Monday, September 14, 2020 at 11:37
To: Ccwg-auctionproceeds <ccwg-auctionproceeds at icann.org>
Subject: [Ccwg-auctionproceeds] Final Report approved by all Chartering Organisations

Dear All,

We are pleased to let you know that all of the Chartering Organizations have now approved the Final Report in accordance with their own rules and procedures.  Please find the approval notifications in attachment.

According to the CCWG’s charter<https://community.icann.org/display/CWGONGAP/CCWG+Charter>:

“After receiving the relevant notifications from all Chartering Organizations [regarding their approval of the Final Report], the chair(s) of the CCWG shall, within a reasonable time after receiving the last notification, submit to the Chair of the ICANN Board of Directors and Chairs of all the Chartering Organizations the CCWG-Board Report, which shall include at a minimum:
a) The (Supplemental) final output as adopted by the CCWG; and
b) The notifications of the decisions from the Chartering Organizations; and
c) Documentation of the process that was followed, including, but not limited to documenting the process of building consensus within the CCWG and public consultations.”

Best regards,

Joke Braeken
ccNSO Policy Advisor
joke.braeken at icann.org<mailto:joke.braeken at icann.org>

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