[ChineseGP] status of action items from Seoul meeting

HiroHOTTA hotta at jprs.co.jp
Sun May 31 14:50:02 UTC 2015

Hi all, 

> If you don't object, I can be the person who keep track of the 
> progress of each action item and share among us, as I did for the 
> Seoul meeting.
> If you are OK, please send your output or your progress report to
>   chineseGP at icann.org, japaneseGP at icann.org, koreanGP at icann.org, 
> Then, I will compile them and share a summary report among us 
> every Friday beginning from may 29.

As no one objected, I've tried to summarize the status update after 
Seoul meeting until Friday 29 May.

And one additional thing : Sarmad (ICANN) requested us to give a 
presentation about CJK coordination effort. CGP and JGP shared the 
idea that the presentation should be given as a single presentation.
I hope KGP will give us the same view and we can agree who will 
prepare the presentation and give it in BA. I added this item as 


==== action item list from the Seoul meeting ====

   CGP and JGP will review the output of LGR-2 applied Yoneya's 
   algorithm and give a formal comment or conclusion of output.
   (Wang Wei and Yoneya)

  ==> on-going?

    The algorithm was implemented independently by Wang Wei and 
    Yoneya and they obtained the same result except one minor 

   Statistics of label application and delegation historically.
   (Dr. Yan and Yoneya)

  ==> on-going?

   Zhiwei Yan sent the statistics of historical registration data
   from some aspects. 

   Yoneya hasn't reported about this yet.

   CGP will draft a question list and write CJK public letter for 
   IP of ICANN by the end of this month and send to JGP and KGP 
   for their feedback to see if we need to make it the CJK letter 
   and bring it to ICANN53.
   (Wang Wei)

  ==> on-going?

   Agreed terminology document by ICANN53.

  ==> on-going?

   Agreed algorithm document by ICANN53.

  ==> on-going?

   KGP drafts issue list and timeline by ICANN53.
   (KGP chair)

  ==> on-going?

   CJK want 1 meeting before and after IP meeting (90 Min).
   (Hiro Hotta)

  ==> on-gpoing

   Hiro Hotta sent out a question who will be in BA for what period.
     ==> some members from C & J replied but no one from K yet replied.

   Hiro Hotta sent a request for meeting opportunities in BA to Sarmad.
    (a) 2 hours on PM Sunday      among CJK only
    (b) 90 minutes on Monday      among CJK+IP  => 3:00-4:15pm confirmed
    (c) 90 minutes on AM Thursday among CJK+IP
    (d) 90 minutes on PM Thursday among CJK only

   Be prepared for presentation in BA about CJK coordination effort.  

  ==> on-going
    - one presentation by one person?
        C & J thinks "one presentation by one person".
        Does K support this idea?
    - who will prepare and who will present?
        Hiro said he would be happy to prepare the slides


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