[ChineseGP] review solicitation: Terminology for CJK coordination committee and IP (v0.5)

Yoshiro YONEYA yoshiro.yoneya at jprs.co.jp
Tue Jun 23 14:50:31 UTC 2015

Dear IP members, CJK GP members, Edmon and Sarmad,

Please review following terminology text.  I'd like to finalize 
the text at Thursday meeting.  Marc gave me a suggestion to use 
LGR-alpha and LGR-beta instead of LGR-1 and LGR-2.  It seems 
more generic term representing the development status of LGR.  
Your comments, suggestions and refinements are very welcome.


Terminology for CJK coordination committee and IP (v0.5)


CGP, JGP, and KGP are collaborating to create Root zone LGR for CJK.  CJK GPs’ collaboration is not limited to among us, but also involving IP and ICANN.  For the efficiency and the good progress, we should have common terminology definition for key concepts.


(1)	Script
Based on Unicode, script is a collection of letters and other written signs used to represent textual information in one or more writing systems.  Ex. Han, Hiragana, Katakana and Hangul.

(2)	Chinese script, Japanese script, Korean script
Script(s) used in the language.  Chinese script is Han, Japanese script is a mixture of Han, Hiragana and Katakana, and Korean script is a mixture of Han and Hangul.
In Root zone LGR context, Chinese script, Japanese script and Korean script are equivalent to und-hani, und-jpan and und-kore respectively.  Here, hani, jpan and kore are terms from ISO 15924.

(3)	Disposition
Result of whole level evaluation (WLE). Disposition is assigned to a label, not to a character. In general, the Root zone process only allows the two dispositions 'allocatable' and 'blocked' (as well as 'invalid' for labels that are not valid at all). It is not possible to add new dispositions other than 'allocatable', 'blocked' and 'invalid'. Label disposition assigned as a result of WLE cannot be reassigned.

(4)	Variant type, variant subtype
Variant type is an attribute of a variant, which indicates the treatment of the variant in WLE.  Variant type is one of (A) allocatable, (B) blocked, and (C) out of repertoire var.  Variant subtype is a variation of variant type with certain limitation.  For example, in Chinese script, variant type "allocatable" are substituted by "simp" (stands for simplified), "trad" (stands for "traditional") and "both" (stands for both simplified and traditional) subtypes.  The variant subtype can be defined by each GP.  Each variant type and variant subtype has to have one or more corresponding <action> element in WLE.

(5)	LGR-1
LGR-1 is an LGR defined by each GP for CJK integration purpose.  Each CJK GP can define LGR-1 independently from each other.  LGR-1 must consist of language tag (one of und-hani, und-jpan, and und-kore), repertoire of allowed characters for applied-for label, variants of each character where variant type (and variant subtype if necessary) is associated with each variant characters, and WLE.  The variant type must not have “out of repertoire var”.  LGR-1 is an intermediate product and it is not a final proposal of each GP.  The development of LGR-1 can be cyclic.  Once CJK GPs generate each LGR-2, each GP assess it and modify LGR-1 if necessary.  This cycle can be repeated until all CJK GPs get conclusion.

(6)	LGR-2
LGR-2 is a LGR generated by LGR-1 integration process.  LGR-2 is generated for each Chinese/Japanese/Korean script.  The differences between each LGR-2 are (A) language tag, (B) repertoire, and (C) variant type (including variant subtype) of each variant.  The set of variants and WLE are common between LGR-2s.  Once each CJK GP concluded their LGR-1, the generated LGR-2 to be a final proposal of them.




Yoshiro YONEYA <yoshiro.yoneya at jprs.co.jp>

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