[ChineseGP] 答复: Call for remote conference

王伟 wangwei at cnic.cn
Fri Mar 2 03:48:50 UTC 2018

Dear all

	Edmon, Naiwen, Jiankang, Linlin and I had the conference call today,
here is the summary of conclusion:

	1)To evaluate whether the 18 TGSCC characters and 42 imported JGP
characters could be removed, to make CGP a concise and compact union set of
CDNC and dotAsia.

	2) To generate a reduced repertoire and variant mappings table after
removing the above 60 characters, and provide necessary rationale of
possible removing TGSCC and JGP characters as footnote.

	3) To start a review process on the variant groups which have
different variant mapping relationships in CDNC and dotAsia. The review work
might be done by the CDNC & CGP joint meeting late April.


发件人: 王伟 [mailto:wangwei at cnic.cn] 
发送时间: 2018年2月26日 16:14
收件人: ChineseGP at icann.org
抄送: Sarmad Hussain (sarmad.hussain at icann.org) <sarmad.hussain at icann.org>;
'Pitinan Kooarmornpatana' <pitinan.koo at icann.org>; 'Edmon Chung'
<edmon at registry.asia>
主题: Call for remote conference 

Dear All

	I am writing to propose a meeting to study the latest feedback
document from IP before ICANN 61.
	According to the feedback document, some part of the current CGP
proposal draft need further work, a new characters an variant mappings
review expert team might need to be re-built. We need your valuable suggests
on the next step work of CGP.
	Anyone who intends to attend to meeting , please reply the email
	Personally, I would like to have the meeting on this Friday 2nd
March, please also indicate if you have other preferred time.


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