[Comments-org-renewal-18mar19] Community input on the proposed .org renewal agreement

Laura Morales lauretas at mail.com
Fri Apr 26 05:08:29 UTC 2019

I'm writing to express my disagreement with the new proposal for a new ".org Registry Agreement". In particular regarding the proposal for allowing unlimited fees increase. The .org domain has always been the only domain recognized for serving the nonprofit community. In fact, I think prices should be reduced (or even make it completely free) for all nonprofits, not treat it like any commercial domain (such as .com). The .org tld has always been intended for non-profit entities since its inception in the 80s, even though this was never enforced. Every other tld, including all the new general tlds, are used for commercial purposes already. Let's just keep at least one tld out of for-profits-only interests.

Please reject this new proposal. Thanks.

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