[council] WHOIS task force participation - number of representatives per constituency

Niklas_Lagergren at mpaa.org Niklas_Lagergren at mpaa.org
Fri Nov 7 17:27:56 UTC 2003

Dear Bruce -

The IP constituency is currently looking at appropriate ways to contribute to the work of the 3 Whois task forces in an efficient manner. In this context, it is our view that nominating only one representative to each TF would result in excessive work-load for each chosen person.  

Therefore, I would like to invoke the last sentence in PDP sec. 5(1) (i.e. "The Council may increase the number of Representatives per constituency that may sit on a task force in its discretion in circumstances that it deems necessary or appropriate.") and would be very grateful if you could advise on how this provison could be applied in the present case.

I hope this can be done as swiftly as possible without slowing the process of convening the TFs. It is our conviction that it would be both necessary and appropriate to allow for one or more alternates per task force as the adequate way to proceed.

Kind regards -


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