[council] Notice of motion regarding statements of interest

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Wed Jan 25 04:57:07 UTC 2006

Hello All,

Following the various discussions on the mailing list around conflict of
interest, I would like to propose the following motion to ensure we have
something in place in the short term while the issue is considered
further by the many experts on the Council in this area.  The motion
merely requires Council members to declare their interests publicly and
does not cover issues of abstaining or voting in relation to interests.

Proposed motion:

"That the GNSO approves the following statement of interest policy:

(1) At least annually each Council member, and liaison to the GNSO
Council, provide a standing statement for publication setting forth all
business and other affiliations which relate in any way to the business
and other affiliations of the ICANN legal entity.

(2) With respect to any particular matter then pending before the
Council, each Council member should disclose any relationship or other
factor that could reasonably be considered to cause the member to be
considered to have a material Financial Interest (as defined in the
ICANN Board's Conflict of Interest policy), or who serves as a Director
or Officer of any entity with which the ICANN legal entity has a
transaction, contract, or other arrangement."

If you would like to second this motion - please post a note to the
Council list.

Bruce Tonkin

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