[council] Draft minutes of the GNSO Council teleconference 18 May 2006

GNSO.SECRETARIAT@GNSO.ICANN.ORG gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org
Fri Jun 2 18:08:00 UTC 2006

[To council[at]gnso.icann.org]

Dear Council Members,

Please find the draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting held on 18 May 

Please let me know what changes you would like made.

Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
18 May 2006

Proposed agenda and related documents

List of attendees:
Philip Sheppard - Commercial & Business Users C.
Marilyn Cade - Commercial & Business Users C.
Grant Forsyth - Commercial & Business Users C
Greg Ruth - ISCPC
Antonio Harris - ISCPC
Tony Holmes - ISCPC
Thomas Keller- Registrars
Ross Rader - Registrars
Bruce Tonkin - Registrars
Ken Stubbs - gTLD registries
June Seo - gTLD registries
Cary Karp - gTLD registries
Lucy Nichols - Intellectual Property Interests C
Ute Decker - Intellectual Property Interests C - absent - apologies
Kiyoshi Tsuru - Intellectual Property Interests C.
Robin Gross - NCUC. - absent - apologies
Norbert Klein - NCUC.
Mawaki Chango - NCUC - absent - apologies
Sophia Bekele - Nominating Committee appointee
Maureen Cubberley - Nominating Committee appointee
Avri Doria - Nominating Committee appointee

18 Council Members

Olof Nordling - Manager, Policy Development Coordination
Liz Williams - Senior Policy Counselor
Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat

GNSO Council Liaisons
Suzanne Sene - GAC Liaison - absent - apologies
Bret Fausett - ALAC Liaison - absent

Quorum present at 14:07 UTC.

MP3 Recording

Bruce Tonkin chaired this teleconference.

Approval of agenda

Item 1: Approval of the GNSO Council minutes of 14 March 2006 and 12 
April 2006

Ken Stubbs, seconded by Maureen Cubberley, moved the adoption of both 

Motion approved.

Decision 1: The GNSO Council minutes of 14 March 2006 and 12 April 2006 
were adopted.

Item 2: Update any statements of interest
No update on any statements of interest was noted

Item 3: WHOIS task force membership

Proposed motion 1:
The GNSO Council appoints Jordyn Buchanan as a non-voting outside 
adviser to the WHOIS Task force under Annex A, Section 5(a) of the ICANN 
bylaws. Jordyn is able to participate fully as a member of the task 
force and is able to act in the role of chair if so elected by the task 

A change in Jordyn Buchanan's employment required the GNSO Council to 
formally approve a motion appointing him to the WHOIS task force.

Bruce Tonkin seconded by Lucy Nichols and Ken Stubbs proposed:
The GNSO Council appoints Jordyn Buchanan as a non-voting outside 
adviser to the WHOIS Task force under Annex A, Section 5(a) of the ICANN 
force and is able to act in the role of chair if so elected by the task 

Council, by voice vote, unanimously accepted the motion.

Decision 2:
The GNSO Council appoints Jordyn Buchanan as a non-voting outside 
adviser to the WHOIS Task force under Annex A, Section 5(a) of the ICANN 
force and is able to act in the role of chair if so elected by the task 

Proposed motion 2:
"The GNSO Council appoints Avri Doria as a voting outside adviser to the 
WHOIS task force under Annex A, Section 5(a) of the ICANN bylaws. Avri 
is able to participate fully as a member of the task force and is able
to act in the role of chair if so elected by the task force.

The motion differed from the proposed motion 1 above as it deals with 
the appointment of a Council member appointed by the nominating 
committee. Previously, Amadeu Abril l Abril, a Nominating Committee 
appointee to the Council was appointed as an outsider to the WHOIS task 
force 2.
Following a Council resolution, the Feb06 task force was created and 3 
Nominating Committee appointees were appointed, one being elected as the 
task force Chair.
Since the formation of the current WHOIS task force, Avri Doria has been 
appointed by the Nominating Committee to the GNSO Council and has 
expressed interest in joining the WHOIS task force.

Marilyn Cade wished to consider the resolution without prejudice to the 
conclusion of the work on the GNSO Rules of Procedure.

Bruce Tonkin referred to the old Names Council Rules of Procedure
"10.10 Voting

 From time to time progress will be advanced by holding straw polls to 
determine the majority view. A motion to approve a draft proposal or 
report (or any section thereof) may be made by any member of the Working 
Group. Once seconded and approved by the WG Chair, such motion shall be 
put to a vote of the Working Group members. In such an event, the WG 
Chair shall poll the Working Group members. Motions that receive a 
majority of votes cast shall be deemed approved.

Consensus. Because of the diverse nature of open working groups the 
results of any vote will be taken solely to assist with progress within 
the group. A majority vote of a working group should be described as a 
majority vote of a working group. No claim to DNSO stakeholder consensus 
should be attributed to such a vote."

Bruce Tonkin, seconded by Maureen Cubberley, proposed:
The GNSO Council appoints Avri Doria as a voting outside adviser to the 
WHOIS task force under Annex A, Section 5(a) of the ICANN bylaws. Avri 
is able to participate fully as a member of the task force and is able 
to act in the role of chair if so elected by the task force.

Council voted to accept the motion. One abstention from Avri Doria.

Decision 3: The GNSO Council appoints Avri Doria as a voting outside 
adviser to the WHOIS task force under Annex A, Section 5(a) of the ICANN 
bylaws. Avri is able to participate fully as a member of the task force 
and is able to act in the role of chair if so elected by the task force.

Item 4: Update on WHOIS task force activities

Olof Nordling reported that the two motions above were indirectly the 
result of progress in the task force. There were three remaining terms 
of reference to be completed:
2) Define the purpose of the Registered Name Holder, technical, and 
administrative contacts, in the context of the purpose of WHOIS, and the 
purpose for which the data was collected. Use the relevant definitions 
from Exhibit C of the Transfers Task force report as a starting point
(3) Determine what data collected should be available for public access 
in the context of the purpose of WHOIS. Determine how to access data 
that is not available for public access.
(4) Determine how to improve the process for notifying a registrar of 
inaccurate WHOIS data, and the process for investigating and correcting 
inaccurate data.

The task force agreed to use formulation 1
The GNSO Council recommends that the WHOIS task force use the following 
"The purpose of the gTLD Whois service is to provide information 
sufficient to contact a responsible party for a particular gTLD domain 
name who can resolve, or reliably pass on data to a party who can 
resolve, issues related to the configuration of the records associated 
with the domain name within a DNS nameserver."
as a working definition to allow the task force to proceed on terms of 
reference (2), (3), and (4)
(see: http://gnso.icann.org/policies/terms-of-reference.html )
for mapping the purpose of the data elements, and that input could be 
drawn from a proposal called Operational Point of Contact (oPOC).

Some activity on the mailing list has focused on how to map the 
appropriateness of the data elements in the further work.

Item 4: IDN issues report
- agree next steps - e.g relating to the formation of a working group to 
review the issues and develop a terms of reference for a new PDP

Olof Nordling reported that the current Issues Report was a combination 
of brainstorming sessions, reports in Wellington, and the Staff 
discussion paper.

Bruce Tonkin recommended that the GNSO form its own internal working 
group to determine the GNSO view of the IDN issues report, and then have 
three representatives from the GNSO working group meet with the three
representatives from the ccNSO to coordinate a shared vision of the 
priority issues to address and identify the next steps (e.g whether to 
work on a single PDP, or conduct the work as two separate PDPs).
The GNSO working group would report back to the GNSO Council for 
approving any recommendation for a PDP process.

The timeline of the process would be for the internal GNSO working group 
to meet in June 2006 to discuss the issues report, and then arrange a 
meeting with the three ccNSO reps in Marrakech with the objective of 
having recommendations for the GNSO and ccNSO Councils in July 2006.
Once the recommendations are made to the Councils, the working group 
would be disbanded.

Bruce Tonkin, seconded by Sophia Bekele, proposed a motion:
That the GNSO Council forms a GNSO working group of volunteers, 
conversant with the IDN issues raised in the IDN issues report.
The purpose of the working group would be to:

(1) review the Issues Report,

(2) prioritise the policy issues in the Issues Report for further work,

(3) develop the terms of reference for an initial policy development 
process in the area of IDNs within the GNSO,

(4) propose ways of interacting with ICANN groups such as the 
President's Advisory Committee on IDNs, the GAC, ALAC, SSAC and other 
related groups in ICANN, and

(5) select three representatives to interact with the three ccNSO 
representatives to form a separate joint GNSO/ccNSO working group to:

(5.1) agree on the priority issues and determine whether to examine the 
issues as a single "joint" PDP, or as two separate PDPs

(5.2) provide a report to the GNSO and ccNSO Councils with 
recommendations for terms of reference of one or more PDPs, and the 
mechanisms for coordination with other parts of ICANN
The group would aim to have recommendations completed by the end of July 

The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Decision 4: That the GNSO Council forms a GNSO working group of 
volunteers, conversant with the IDN issues raised in the IDN issues report.
The purpose of the working group would be to:

(1) review the Issues Report,

(2) prioritise the policy issues in the Issues Report for further work,

(3) develop the terms of reference for an initial policy development 
process in the area of IDNs within the GNSO,

(4) propose ways of interacting with ICANN groups such as the 
President's Advisory Committee on IDNs, the GAC, ALAC, SSAC and other 
related groups in ICANN, and

(5) select three representatives to interact with the three ccNSO 
representatives to form a separate joint GNSO/ccNSO working group to:

(5.1) agree on the priority issues and determine whether to examine the 
issues as a single "joint" PDP, or as two separate PDPs

(5.2) provide a report to the GNSO and ccNSO Councils with 
recommendations for terms of reference of one or more PDPs, and the 
mechanisms for coordination with other parts of ICANN
The group would aim to have recommendations completed by the end of July 

Item 5: Update on PDP-Feb06 - Contractual conditions for existing gTLDs

Dr Liz Williams reported that there would be a Preliminary task force 
report on PDP-Feb06 - Contractual conditions for existing gTLDs released 
a week before the proposed task force meeting on 6 June 2006.
The further outstanding item would be allocating time working time at 
the Marrakesh meeting in June 2006.

Item 6: Update on PDP-Dec05 - new gTLDs

Dr Liz Williams reported that the input received during the Brussels 
meeting would be incorporated into the next version of the Initial 
Report which is intended to be distributed prior to the Marrakesh 
meeting and a new gTLDs committee meeting on 15 June 2006. The report 
would provide a briefing document for the GAC, the ICANN Board and the 
It was agreed that as the work progressed, common issues in the two 
current policy development processes, Dec05 and Feb06, would be 
determined, input on the two PDPs combined in an effort to reach 
consistent recommendations.

Item 7: Update on GNSO meeting procedures

Dr. Liz Williams reported that a working group, consisting of Philip 
Sheppard, Kiyoshi Tsuru and Dan Halloran were drafting the Meeting 

Item 8: Update on GNSO review

Dr Liz Williams reported that at the June Council meeting there would be 
more definition on the draft report and the intention was to schedule a 
2 hour open briefing session in Marrakesh for the Council and the 
constituencies to discuss the report. The ICANN Board, as recipients of 
the report, would have a separate session with the GNSO Review team.

Item 9: Update on planning for Morocco meeting
- hotel arrangements, use of weekend prior to the meeting.

Bruce Tonkin suggested that Constituency day consist of more joint 
meetings among the constituencies on common topics such as the GNSO 
Review where the ICANN Board could be involved.
Marilyn Cade suggested that the GNSO Public Forum should focus on the 
PDP Feb05 in a way that the ICANN Board and GAC members could be 
encouraged to participate in the audience.

It was agreed that the program committee, Marilyn Cade, Ken Stubbs, 
Bruce Tonkin and Glen, would convey the Council wishes to Diane Schroeder.

Philip Sheppard, a candidate for ICANN Board seat number 14, left the 
call at 14:00 UTC.

Item 10: Process and timing of next steps for the GNSO election.

Bruce Tonkin reminded Council that the ICANN bylaws state: Article lV 

2. No person who serves in any capacity (including as a liaison) on any 
Supporting Organization Council shall simultaneously serve as a Director 
or liaison to the Board. If such a person accepts a nomination to be 
considered for selection by the Supporting Organization Council to be a 
Director, the person shall not, following such nomination, participate 
in any discussion of, or vote by, the Supporting Organization Council 
relating to the selection of Directors by the Council, until the Council 
has selected the full complement of Directors it is responsible for 
selecting. In the event that a person serving in any capacity on a 
Supporting Organization Council accepts a nomination to be considered 
for selection as a Director, the constituency group or other group or 
entity that selected the person may select a replacement for purposes of 
the Council's selection process.

The Commercial and Business Users constituency would replace Philip 
Sheppard temporarily on the GNSO Council and he would be removed from 
the Council mailing list.

It was agreed that the candidates would be interviewed by Council, the 
Executive Committees of the constituencies and the ALAC and GAC liaisons.

Since there were 3 candidates standing for the ICANN Board seat number 
14, Council agreed to proceed with an electronic ballot vote.

Council would be notified of the Election Procedures to be followed.

Bruce Tonkin thanked the Council members for their participation.

The meeting ended: 14:10 UTC.

Next GNSO Council teleconference 8 June 2006 at 12:00 UTC
see: Calendar

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN

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