[council] GNSO Council draft minutes 24 May 2007

GNSO.SECRETARIAT@GNSO.ICANN.ORG gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org
Tue May 29 12:05:23 UTC 2007

[To: council[at]gnso.icann.org]

Dear Council Members,

Please find the draft minutes of the GNSO Council teleconference held on 
24 May 2007.

Please let me know if you would like any changes made.

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
24 May 2007

Proposed agenda and documents

List of attendees:
Philip Sheppard - Commercial & Business Users C.
Mike Rodenbaugh - Commercial & Business Users C.
Alistair Dixon - Commercial & Business Users C
Greg Ruth - ISCPC
Antonio Harris - ISCPC- absent - apologies
Tony Holmes - ISCPC
Thomas Keller- Registrars
Ross Rader - Registrars
Bruce Tonkin - Registrars
Chuck Gomes - gTLD registries
Edmon Chung - gTLD registries
Cary Karp - gTLD registries - absent - apologies
Kristina Rosette - Intellectual Property Interests C
Ute Decker - Intellectual Property Interests C - absent
Kiyoshi Tsuru - Intellectual Property Interests C - absent
Robin Gross - NCUC
Norbert Klein - NCUC.
Mawaki Chango - NCUC - absent - apologies
Sophia Bekele - Nominating Committee appointee
Jon Bing - Nominating Committee appointee - absent - apologies
Avri Doria - Nominating Committee appointee

15 Council Members
(21 Votes - quorum)

Sue Jonklaas - Regional Business Advisor -Asia Pacific, Office of the 
Denise Michel - Vice President, Policy Development
Olof Nordling - Manager, Policy Development Coordination
Liz Williams - Senior Policy Counselor
Maria Farrell - GNSO Policy Officer
Craig Schwartz -Chief gTLD Registry Liaison
Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat

GNSO Council Liaisons
Suzanne Sene - GAC Liaison - absent - apologies
Alan Greenberg - ALAC Liaison - absent

Quorum present at 12:10 UTC.

MP3 Recording

Bruce Tonkin chaired this meeting

Approval of the agenda

Item 1: Update any Statements of Interest
No updates

Item 2: Approval of the GNSO Council minutes:

28 March 2007
12 April 2007

Chuck Gomes moved the adoption of both sets of GNSO Council minutes, 28 
March 2007 and 12 April 2007

Motion approved.

Approval of the GNSO Council minutes of 28 March 2007 and 12 April 2007

Decision 1: The GNSO Council minutes of 28 March 2007 and 12 April 2007 
were adopted.

Item 3: Update on election process for GNSO Council chair
- GNSO Secretariat to provide an update

Glen de Saint Géry reported that the formal nomination period, for the 
election of GNSO Council chair for the period 7 June 2007 until 31 
January 2008 was open for two weeks from Friday 27 April to Friday 11 
May 2007. Two candidates were nominated and seconded, Philip Sheppard 
and Avri Doria. The voting began on Wednesday 16 May, and closes on 
Wednesday 30 May at 15:00 UTC.
The Secretariat will announce the outcome of the voting at the close of 
the voting period and the results will be confirmed at the GNSO Council 
meeting on 7 June 2007.

Item 4: Proposed motion to create a Vice-Chair role:

Bruce Tonkin commented that the ICANN bylaws mentioned a formal position 
of Vice Chair for the ICANN Board and the ccNSO Council but the roles 
were not defined. The effect of the proposed motion was to the rules and 
procedures of the Council without pre-empting any Board changes to the 
bylaws following the GNSO review. It was agreed that the vice-chair 
would be appointed via a vote of Council members using the same 
procedure as used to elect a chair.

Bruce Tonkin, seconded Avri Doria, whose friendly amendment was 
accepted, proposed the motion:

The GNSO Council agrees to create a position of Vice-chair to act as 
Chair in situations when the Chair is temporarily unavailable to do so 
and to assist the chair when needed.

The motion passed by a unanimous vote of acclamation.

Decision 2: The GNSO Council agrees to create a position of Vice-chair 
to act as Chair in situations when the Chair is temporarily unavailable 
to do so and to assist the chair when needed.

Action Item: The Secretariat was requested to open a process to select a 
vice chair as soon as the current GNSO chair election was resolved after 
7 June 2007.

Item 5: Motion to request issues report on protecting IGO names and 

Whereas, the GNSO Council recognizes the recommendation put forward by 
the IPC Constituency regarding possible measures in line with WIPO-2 to 
protect International Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO) names and 
abbreviations as domain names.

Whereas, the GNSO Council notes that measures to protect IGO names and 
abbreviations are requested in the GAC principles for New gTLDs.

Whereas, the GNSO Council notes that WIPO is the maintenance agency for 
the authoritative list of relevant IGO names and abbreviations protected 
under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention
(http://www.wipo.int/article6ter/en/ ).

The GNSO Council requests that the staff produce an issues report on the 
policy issues associated with adequately handling disputes relating to 
IGO names and abbreviations as domain names.

The GNSO Council also requests that the staff liaise with WIPO to 
utilize its knowledge and experience of WIPO-2.

The registry constituency put forward a position paper
with the conclusion:
"The Registry constituency urges the GNSO not to accept the Intellectual 
Property constituency recommendation. There is no sound basis for 
requesting an Issues Report on this subject. The proposed Dispute 
Resolution Process is far from ICANN’s mission of technical coordination 
of the domain name system and the protection of security and stability 
of the Internet. It would be a radical departure from the current 
globally accepted understanding of ICANN’s role."

Bruce Tonkin commented that it was a request from the external world to 
ICANN to examine the issue in more detail, and if ICANN were not able to 
do anything then it would be for individual countries to deal with the 
issue and create laws in the countries. The secretariat was requested to 
point to a previous Council decision on this topic.
(See: http://www.gnso.icann.org/meetings/minutes-gnso-12apr06.shtml)

In the light of the new gTLD work, it could be advantageous to examine a 
mechanism for a new dispute processes. Caution should be taken in that 
the dispute resolution process should not provide a blanket protection 
for all International Intergovernmental Organizations to register which 
ever names they wished.

Constituency resources and staff support were two factors that had to be 
considered. It was clarified that creating an issues report was separate 
from Council deciding whether there were sufficient issues for a policy 
development process to be commenced and whether Council and the 
constituencies would be able to resource it. Assurance was given that 
there would be adequate staff resources should Council decide to follow 
through with a policy development process.

Council was reminded of the provisions in the the ICANN bylaws regarding:
"1. Raising an Issue
An issue may be raised for consideration as part of the PDP by any of 
the following:

b. Council Initiation. The GNSO Council may initiate the PDP by a vote 
of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Council 
present at any meeting in which a motion to initiate the PDP is made."

Bruce Tonkin, seconded by Ross Rader proposed the following motion:

Whereas the GNSO Council requested at its meeting on 12 April 2006 that 
the Intellectual
Property Interests constituency following consultations make a 
recommendation to the GNSO
Council as to whether or not a policy development process is required.

Whereas, the GNSO Council recognizes the recommendation put forward by 
the IPC Constituency regarding possible measures in line with WIPO-2 to 
protect International Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO) names and 
abbreviations as domain names.

Whereas, the GNSO Council notes that measures to protect IGO names and 
abbreviations are requested in the GAC principles for New gTLDs.

Whereas, the GNSO Council notes that WIPO is the maintenance agency for 
the authoritative list of relevant IGO names and abbreviations protected 
under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention
(http://www.wipo.int/article6ter/en/ ).

The GNSO Council requests that the staff produce an issues report on the 
policy issues associated with adequately handling disputes relating to 
IGO names and abbreviations as domain names.

The GNSO Council also requests that the staff liaise with WIPO to 
utilize its knowledge and experience of WIPO-2.

The motion passed by nominated vote:

in favour:
Philip Sheppard, Mike Rodenbaugh, Alistair Dixon, Kristina Rosette, Tony 
Holmes, Greg Ruth - 1 vote each
Bruce Tonkin, Ross Rader - 2 votes each

Total 10 votes in favour - (8 Council members voted in favour)

against the motion
Edmon Chung, Chuck Gomes - 2 votes each
Avri Doria, Sophia Bekele, Robin Gross, Norbert Klein, - 1 vote each

Total 8 votes against - (6 Council members voted against the motion)

Tom Keller - one abstention (counting for 2 votes )

No votes from the following people who were absent:
Ute Decker, Kiyoshi Tsuru, Tony Harris, Mawaki Chango, Cary Karp, Jon Bing.

In total, 15 Council members voted, accounting for 20 votes

Decision 3:

Whereas the GNSO Council requested at its meeting on 12 April 2006 that 
the Intellectual
Property Interests constituency following consultations make a 
recommendation to the GNSO
Council as to whether or not a policy development process is required.

Whereas, the GNSO Council recognizes the recommendation put forward by 
the IPC Constituency regarding possible measures in line with WIPO-2 to 
protect International Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO) names and 
abbreviations as domain names.

Whereas, the GNSO Council notes that measures to protect IGO names and 
abbreviations are requested in the GAC principles for New gTLDs.

Whereas, the GNSO Council notes that WIPO is the maintenance agency for 
the authoritative list of relevant IGO names and abbreviations protected 
under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention
(http://www.wipo.int/article6ter/en/ ).

The GNSO Council requests that the staff produce an issues report on the 
policy issues associated with adequately handling disputes relating to 
IGO names and abbreviations as domain names.

The GNSO Council also requests that the staff liaise with WIPO to 
utilize its knowledge and experience of WIPO-2.

Item 6: ALAC request for an issues report on domain tasting

- note request under clause 1(c) of the GNSO Policy Development Process

- proposal to schedule consideration of the issues report at the San 
Juan meeting of the GNSO Council, and get input from the constituencies 
during the meeting (under clause 3(b) of the PDP)

Council acknowledged receipt of the request from ALAC for an issues 
report and it was proposed that the completed Issues Report would be 
posted on the website so that there could be additional feedback from 
community and the constituencies. It was generally agreed to table the 
report until the Council meeting in San Juan, and possibly have Staff 
present it at the GNSO public forum.

Item 7: Consideration of the Task Force Report: Policies for Contractual
Conditions - Existing Registries - PDP-Feb 06
( See:

Item 7: Consideration of the Task Force Report: Policies for Contractual
Conditions - Existing Registries - PDP-Feb 06
( See:

It was generally agreed that staff would comment on the implementation 
issues arising from the major recommendations in the Final Report 
PDPFeb06 and these would be further discussed with the community during 
the meetings in San Juan.

Bruce Tonkin formally closed the meeting and thanked everyone for their 

The meeting ended: 13:10 UTC

Next GNSO Council meeting will be on 7 June 2007 at 12:00 UTC.
see: Calendar

Summary of Work Items arising from the minutes:

1. Arising from item 4, the GNSO Secretariat to launch the election 
process for GNSO Council vice chair when the current GNSO Chair 
elections were resolved.

2. Arising from item 5,

a. The GNSO Council requests that the staff produce an issues report on 
the policy issues associated with adequately handling disputes relating 
to IGO names and abbreviations as domain names.

b. The GNSO Council also requests that the staff liaise with WIPO to 
utilize its knowledge and experience of WIPO-2.

3 Arising from item 7, Staff comments on the major recommendations in 
the Task Force Report: Policies for Contractual Conditions - Existing 
Registries - PDP-Feb 06
Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN

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