[council] FW: URGENT: Formation of a Drafting Team for the Accountability CCWG

Jonathan Robinson jrobinson at afilias.info
Wed Oct 15 20:01:36 UTC 2014

All. To be discussed. Jonathan.


From: Jonathan Robinson [mailto:jrobinson at afilias.info] 
Sent: 15 October 2014 09:18
To: Byron Holland (byron.holland at cira.ca); Patrik Faltstrom (paf at netnod.se);
Heather.Dryden at ic.gc.ca; 'Thomas.Schneider at bakom.admin.ch'; Louie Lee
(louie at louie.net); adiel at afrinic.net; Alan Greenberg
(alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca); 'Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond'; Lars-Johan Liman
(liman at netnod.se); 'junsec at wide.ad.jp'
Cc: Grace Abuhamad (grace.abuhamad at icann.org); Marika Konings
(marika.konings at icann.org)
Subject: URGENT: Formation of a Drafting Team for the Accountability CCWG
Importance: High


Formation of a Drafting Team for the Accountability CCWG


Dear Colleagues,


In light of the recent posting of the
Revised Process, the Accountability
<http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/mon-accountability-governance> session on
Monday afternoon and our discussions this week , I would like to ask  you to
put forward one or two volunteers from your respective organisation to form
a drafting team to develop a charter for an Accountability CCWG. 


Ideally we would like to keep this group to a manageable size and as such I
would like to emphasize that the task of the DT is to develop the charter
for this effort. The subsequent CCWG will be responsible for undertaking the
substantive work and is expected to be open to everyone to participate in.
It is the expectation that the volunteers assigned by your respective groups
will be responsible for ensuring that input from your groups will be shared
and taken into account as part of the drafting process.


To take advantage of the opportunity to meet face-to-face, we've arranged
for the DT to have its first meeting on Thursday, 16 October from 9:45-11:00
local time, immediately following the
<http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/thu-enhancing-accountability> Enhancing
ICANN Accountability session in Senators I (Mezzanine Level). We realize
this DT meeting overlaps with other meetings, but we believe it's essential
for the DT to take advantage of the ICANN51 meeting to meet in-person. 


As you identify your representatives, please let Grace Abuhamad (
<mailto:grace.abuhamad at icann.org> grace.abuhamad at icann.org) know so she can
start the mailing list for this effort. 


Thank-you for your ongoing collaboration in this matter on this critical
topic and please do highlight to me if I have inadvertently left someone off
the distribution list.


Best wishes,


Jonathan Robinson




Jonathan Robinson




jonathan.robinson at ipracon.com

Tel: +44 (0)20 7993 6103

skype: jonathan.m.r






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