[council] Withdrawing the Motion to Adopt the Final Issue Report on a PDP to Review all RPMs in all gTLDs

Amr Elsadr aelsadr at egyptig.org
Wed Jan 20 10:09:12 UTC 2016


As you may have guessed from the subject line of this email, I am formally withdrawing the motion I submitted on January 11th to adopt the final issues report on the RPMs Review PDP.

There are several reasons why I believe this to be a desirable course of action. If you recall, when I submitted this motion, I hadn’t actually read the final issue report yet. Since reading it, I’ve been considering a withdrawal, but needed to wait to consult with the NCSG first. I did this by reaching out to members of the NCSG immediately following the submission of the motion as well as discussing the report and draft charter during yesterday's monthly NCSG policy call.

First, I agree with Phil’s earlier email; that loading tomorrow’s Council call with the GNSO’s letter to the CCWG, and three motions on the PPSAI PDP WG’s final report, new gTLDs subsequent rounds PDP WG charter and the PDP to review all RPMs for all gTLDs is a bit much. More importantly, since reading the final issues report, I believe that the report and draft charter need some work done on them before they should be considered by the Council for a formal vote.

Since I have withdrawn the motion, I suggest we include this report as a discussion item for tomorrow’s call instead of a vote. I would also be very grateful to see a staff report on the public comment period following publication of the preliminary issue report for this PDP and/or the public comment tool used to review the comments submitted. I’m not sure if these have been previously circulated, or not. If they have, then I missed them and I apologise. If they haven’t, it would be very helpful to take a look at those, preferably before tomorrow’s call.



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