Colleagues -

After working with Donna, Heather and the GNSO Council Staff, I’m pleased to present a Draft Motion for the GNSO Council to consider Work Stream 1 Recommendations of the CCWG-Accountability Supplemental Report (attached).   

Additionally, we have developed a framework outlining the Council’s approach when it ultimately moves to vote on this motion (also attached).  While there is only one motion, the Council also has the option to conduct a vote on each of the 12 recommendations separately.  If we go this route, each recommendation will include a discussion / statements by Councilors / SGs /Cs, and finally a vote.  

Once the vote is completed, we will report the results, along with any written statements from Councilors, to the co-chairs of the CCWG-Accountability.

Please review and provide feedback.  We can discuss in depth during our next session on 29 FEB.

Thank you--
