[Ctn-crosscom] Updated Attendance MP3 CTN meeting - Monday 16 November 2015

Nathalie Peregrine nathalie.peregrine at icann.org
Tue Nov 17 18:22:56 UTC 2015

With updated attendance, apologies to Ron Sherwood for leaving him out.


Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording for the Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country/Territory Names as TLDs meeting held on Monday 16 November 2015 at 21:00 UTC at: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ctn-16nov15-en.mp3<http://mailer.samanage.com/wf/click?upn=NrFWbrBstcrPWP369qgbqlXiSKeL20xnUXzI03Zqpstu3SAkA5eY5PTcIfmSw-2FrOWvmMSO-2FKQw52Uc79QulCpQ-3D-3D_QuA5zZR9ZZ7J1F2FeF-2FOsgm1hgIDcBrAX2P7Ezxmql7ckJc4ios1-2BxObAoz2rzLSI3c4QB1NGo7bw7XrBjpRCbz74w4vzk48UxZMFoBBQBQaQ0ePdiOjdJ30sQNHkokOf-2F2p-2FBvMgKvMhzp-2B4u8fP-2BRrSytHe2KCf2HpQmtSbpezMgNTUG57PiORAPesOotpHA-2BC4pSmXJRsVmpbNaLqzkWcNC5orNvP9piBzYbgvmOwd1hGA4dx1f54K0spwHwcxq-2FsKIVQvvYhFpWhPmhLBzIsatvRVPLz3JMaHwiPqEz0JTbuQiSsPQViExxftNGHY1L3ACaZ-2FoFxJ-2FOZV3RjBY7lWYo8n8IYO90gTnh1v1QlsgR-2F9cgx-2F7Mso-2BUbaYavsTYS8mUVoBiZr-2FT4vofEt4gRYCfAijuccJLcbgoIEh14jPNk49bum0wAvwTMrOPZjoD13Dph3UVYQPd7-2BlsY3TwLguJYAfDw3Cvu2pj0-2BMLOp7Jxx-2FswvGVjTS0JqqOL>

On page:


The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:




Mirjana Tasic, .rs

Sanna Sahlman, .fi

Paul Szyndler, .au
Grigori Saghyan, .am
Ron Sherwood, .vi


Heather Forrest, IPC (Co-Chair)

Carlos Raul Guttierez, NPOC  (co-Chair)

Susan Payne, NTAG

Maxim Alzoba, NTAG
Colin O'Brien, IPC
Griffin Barnett, IPC


Cheryl Langdon-Orr





Laura Hutchinson, .uk

Jaap Akkerhuis

Annebeth Lange, .no

ICANN staff:

Bart Boswinkel

Marika Konings

Lars Hoffman

Patrick Jones
Karine Perset

Nathalie Peregrine

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ctn-crosscom/

 Wiki page:https://community.icann.org/x/X7XhAg

Thank you.

Kind regards,



Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 16 November 2015:

Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome to the Cross Community Working Group on the Use of Country and Territory Names as top-level domains on Monday 16 November 2015, 21:00 UTC.
  Colin O'Brien:Hello everyone!
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome Colin!
  Grigori Saghyan:Hello everbody!
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome all!
  Ron Sherwood:Hello all
  Sanna Sahlman:Good evening from Finland!
  Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello everybody
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Welcome Carlos!
  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):Hello Everyone
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Carlos, we have a dial out set up to your cell, as you are in the AC room, will you still be needing it
  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Carlos, all good, I see your dial out was successful!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr - CLO:heather that way forward sounds fine to me...
  Carlos Raul (cel):txs Nathalie
  Lars Hoffmann:letter is in the AC room. and you should be able to scroll through.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr - CLO:agree with Paul on this...
  Carlos Raul (cel) 2:good forecast by Paul
  Griffin Barnett:Not sure if Brian Winterfeldt and my commetnts were included?
  Griffin Barnett:I still don't see our comments included in the table
  Karine Perset:The GAC is likely to be able to provide a response by end of month...
  Lars Hoffmann:please send to lars.hoffmann at icann.org<mailto:lars.hoffmann at icann.org>
  Heather Forrest (GNSO co-chair):Griffin, we'll circulate your comments on the list again after this call.
  Susan Payne:Most people have answered the questions I think?  Where they didn't doirectly do so could we extract the answers from their responses and then have an additonal column for other ccomments?  too much work?
  Griffin Barnett:Thanks Heather...I also noted it to Lars and he said he would update the table
  Susan Payne:sorry, I don't have voice enabled
  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):+1 @Susan
  Sanna Sahlman:I agree with Susan
  Carlos Raul (cel):ok
  Carlos Raul (cel):we (co chairs) go over all comments until next meeting
  Sanna Sahlman:Good point Cheryl. I would like to see all comments/answers  on one dokument/list.
  Colin O'Brien:That sounds good to me Heather.
  Susan Payne:yes, I think it makes sense to see what we receive in next couple of week and make ourselves familiar with them
  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):it looks to be a good idea
  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):bye all
  Colin O'Brien:bye all
  Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye
  Griffin Barnett:thanks all
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr - CLO:thanks everyone... bye for now...talk soon...
  Grigori Saghyan:bye all
  Susan Payne:thank you.  bye all
  Ron Sherwood:Thank you everyone, Bye until next time
  Sanna Sahlman:Bye, bye and good night!

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