[Ctn-crosscom] NOTES: CWG on country and territory names as TLDs. Thursday,  15 December 2016 at 21:00 UTC.

Joke Braeken joke.braeken at icann.org
Fri Dec 16 08:45:08 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find below the notes taken during the CWG-UCTN on 15 December, 21 UTC.

Best regards, Joke

CWG on country and territory names as TLDs
Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 21:00 UTC.

Apologies: Maxim Alzoba, Carlos Guttierez


1. Welcome and roll call
2. Discussion poll results
3. Discussion on modification of recommendations
4. AOB


1. Welcome and roll call

2. Discussion poll results

How to move forward with the work of this group is up for discussion today. When we try to reach consensus, we saw various opinions between the members of the WG, and non-members.
In HYD it was decided to launch a poll on the recommendations. Poll results to be discussed today.
Less than half of the members of this WG answered the poll.  No clear way forward from the poll results.  All suggestions on how to move forward are welcome.

Looking at the survey results, it is clear there is no consensus. Lots of discussions ahead of us. We have not decided as a group on any of the recommendations. Suggestion: continue this discussion, but not only within the GNSO.

Emily reading the recommendations.

Annebeth sees no clear preference on the way forward from the survey results. Suggestions from the audience?

if you go back to the language of recommendation 2, you will notice that people move away from this recommendation as well. If you continue along this path, you will see changing majorities.
Suggestion is to strike words, like "unanimously”. Staff includes the poll results, and comes back with a suggestion on how to phrase it.
75% of the poll respondents (large majority) feels that recommendation 1, 2 and 4 are appropriate.
It shows understanding from that group that we move forward along that path.  We should make it clearer to the community that this part of the CCWG is more or less a dead-end street.
We as a broader community, should think about a broader way of dealing with this.  Consult larger community, and hand it back to the Chartering Organisations, stating that this is not a way forward. We need to come up with an alternative.

3. Discussion on modification of recommendations

linked to item number 2 on this agenda. We need to go forward with the Interim Report, after Bart's comment.  Include the responses received. include the quorum as well. how many members does this group have, and how many members responded?

Regret that we are where we are, after the meeting from HYD. The survey results do not reflect the room temperature in HYD.
Let's not make a point about the number of people responding. Only a fracture of the WG members participates regularly in our meetings anyhow.
Understanding of context of the outcome is important too, should be included in the report. Bart his suggestion as to tinkering with the wording is a good one. Come together in small teams, and work on statements explaining the background, to be appended to the report.

Interim Report to be updated. The feeling in the room from HYD did not come across in the survey results. Community feedback would therefor be very useful.

invite people who have issues to included statements: ok. first finish the report, and then ask WG members if they could make a minority statement, to be included in annex and to be referred to in the introduction. Ideally interim report to be published mid January.

agree with Bart. do the minority statements need to be included in the public comment? or make final remarks after the public comment? perhaps we all benefit from input from the rest of the world. It is a matter of timing.

it is only fair, given the discussions around recommendation 3, that the broader community understands the contextual statements. We should ask specifically their views on the way forward.  They should have the full picture upfront, so they can respond and see things from different angles.

Susan Payne, Rosalia Morales, Laura Watkins: agree.

the sooner it can go out, the better

we will get back asap with an updated version, and invite people to submit a contextual statement around the recommendations, if they want to. This needs to be described in the process, and included in the annex.  People on the call hopefully agree that we should aim to have the interim report out by mid january.

4. AOB

Thank you.

Joke Braeken
ccNSO Policy Advisor
joke.braeken at icann.org<mailto:joke.braeken at icann.org>

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