[Ctn-crosscom] ccNSO Council decision re final paper CWG UCTN

Bart Boswinkel bart.boswinkel at icann.org
Mon Jul 24 09:49:49 UTC 2017

Dear all,

As you will recall the final paper was subbmitted to the ccNSO and GNSO Councils for deliberation and decision-making prior to ICANN 59.

At its meeting on 20 July, last Thursday, the ccNSO Council discussed the recommendations in the final paper and adopted the reoslutions (included below).

The resolutions will become effective 7 days after publicationon the ccNSO website,

Kind regards,






7) Final Paper of the Cross-community WG Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs

7.1 Discussion and or adoption final paper

(https://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/ccwg-ctn-final-paper-15jun17-en.pdf )



At the ccNSO members meeting in Johannesburg the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. However, the format to continue work is still under community discussion. Awaiting the outcome of that discussion the ccNSO Councils deferred the discussion and adoption of the final paper to the next meeting (July 2017). By adopting the recommendations in the final paper the ccNSO Council effectively closes the Cross-community Working group and supports the need for additional work in this area.  


However, following ICANN 59 the next steps on how future work on the use of names countries and territories as TLDs will be structured and how the ccTLD community could participate most effectively is not clear (yet). 


Moving forward with respect to the Final paper and the discussion there are 4 options:
Reject recommendations (working group effectively continues) and request WG to provide clear direction and assist in resolving issues.  
Defer the decision, up and until there is more clarity on how to proceed with follow-up work. The cross-community working group is not closed. 
 Adopt final report and request the ccNSO appointed members to provide advice on next steps.
Adopt the report, and await further action from other communities. 



At the ccNSO members meeting the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. However, the format to continue work is still under community discussion. Awaiting the outcome of that discussion the ccNSO Council defers the adoption of the final paper to the next meeting (July 2017).



The ccNSO Council adopts the Final Paper of and supports recommendation 1, 2 and 4:


Close this CWG in accordance with and as foreseen in the charter.
Recommend that the ICANN community consolidate all policy efforts relating to geographic names (as that term has traditionally very broadly been defined in the ICANN environment to this point) to enable in-depth analyses and discussions on all aspects related to all geographic-related names. This is the only way, in our view, to determine whether a harmonized framework is truly achievable.
Recommend that future policy development work must facilitate an all-inclusive dialogue to ensure that all members of the community have the opportunity to participate. Again, we believe that this is the only way to determine whether a harmonized framework is truly achievable.

The Council also request the ccNSO appointed members to the CWG to keep the Council abreast of the developments and advise the Council on next steps. The ccNSO Council thanks and congratulates the CWG and in particular its ccNSO appointed members and co-chair Annebeth Lange. 



7.2 Discussion recommendation Study Group CTN Letter to the Board to request continued exclusion of country and territory names in subsequent new gTLDs rounds.

For discussion and / or decision.


In September 2014 the Study Group recommended Council: In light of the need for further work on the treatment of country and territory names, the complexity of the issue at hand and the aforementioned inconsistencies between various ICANN policies, it is also recommended that the ccNSO Council request that the ICANN Board extend the current rule in the new gTLD Applicant Guidebook regarding the exclusion of all country and territory names in all languages, for consecutive rounds of new gTLD applications.


Council adopted this recommendation in 2014. Given the establishment of the CCWG UCTN, Council did not pursue this recommendation, awaiting the outcome of the deliberations and recommendations of the CCWG.



At the ccNSO members meeting in Johannesburg the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. This also included the recommendation of the Study Group. However, as the format to continue work is still under community discussion, and interest of the ccTLD community in future efforts needs to be ensured the ccNSO Councils defers the decision whether to send the letter to its August meeting, and request the secretariat to organize the drafting of such a letter, which includes at a minimum consultation of the ccNSO appointed members on the CCCWG and interested Councillors.


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