[CWG-DT-Stewardship] Draft Agenda Meeting Monday 28 July 2014, 13.00 UTC

Gomes, Chuck cgomes at verisign.com
Fri Jul 25 14:19:43 UTC 2014

Thanks Bart.

Regarding agenda item 5, I think it would be helpful if we discussed ways in which we can go through the charter as efficiently as possible.  Here are some personal thoughts for consideration by the DT:

*         Many of the edits that have been suggested by different DT members are fairly minor and not controversial so it doesn't seem like we need to discuss those in a live meeting.

*         Other edits probably require DT discussion and some comments require discussion and a DT decision.

*         One way to handle the above would be to ask all DT members to identify the items in each section that they believe need further discussion in a live meeting after which we could go through the draft section by section and discuss all items that were flagged as needing discussion; ideally it would be good if each of us did that before the live meeting on the list, but there is probably not time for that for our meeting on 28 July so if we could start the process of doing that in our 28 July meeting and ask everyone to continue that task before our 4 August meeting; we could use our remaining meetings starting with the one on 4 August to try to reach consensus on all of the identified items.

*         If there are any items for which we cannot reach consensus by our target date, we could provide alternatives for the SOs and ACs to consider in our final draft charter.

As I said above, these are just my personal thoughts; I welcome other ideas for making the process of finalizing our work as efficient as possible.


From: cwg-dt-stewardship-bounces at icann.org [mailto:cwg-dt-stewardship-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Bart Boswinkel
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 9:41 AM
To: cwg-dt-stewardship at icann.org
Subject: [CWG-DT-Stewardship] Draft Agenda Meeting Monday 28 July 2014, 13.00 UTC

Dear all,
Please find included the draft agenda for the DT meeting Monday 28 July, 13.00 UTC.
Kind regards,

Draft Agenda

  1.  Welcome and roll-call
  2.  Confirmation of meeting notes and action items (included in Annex A)
  3.  Timeline Approval of charter and call/appointment of volunteers WG (In order to adopt charter in time, organize membership of the WG itself and have a first full-blown face to face meeting in LA, the draft charter needs to be completed by 14 August, order of approval will be ccNSO( 21 August), ALAC ( 26 August), SSAC ( 2 September) and GNSO ( 4 September) , see Annex B))
  4.  Timelines and coordination with ICG
  5.  Run-through latest version of draft charter
  6.  AOB
  7.  Closure

Annex A Meeting notes and action items DT meeting 21 July
Notes / Action Items 21/7

  *   ICG timeline is still tentative and will need to be further discussed and considered by ICG - issues such as public comment and consultation has not been factored in
  *   Outreach / education needed on how naming relationship with IANA differs from other communities which may also be reflected in proposals that will eventually be submitted
  *   Not the role of the ICG to develop proposals or choose from competing proposals according to charter
  *   Draft timeline does not allow for resolution of possible issues or testing, incl. no transition window
Composition of ccWG

  *   Members (from chartering organizations)- consider keeping it relatively small to ensure being able to make progress (min. 2, max 3-5 from each chartering organization). Observers - consider leaving it open (can participate in conversations, but not responsible for getting the work done).
  *   SO/AC/SG/C should consider opening up their processes so that others interested could also join as members who are not necessarily formal members of SO/AC/SG/C
  *   Should this CWG redirect any requests from other communities to participate to their respective groups?
  *   Proposal to have chartering organizations have min. 2, max of 5 of representatives on the CWG. Open to observers from all communities. Make CWG operations as transparent and open as possible for all, both with regard to F2F as well as online meetings.
  *   Observers can provide input, but should decisions need to be made, only named members can provide input at that stage. - make sure to clarify this in the charter
Public consultations

  *   At least one, if not two public comment forums
Involvement of the GAC

  *   Reach out to the GAC and re-invite them (noting renewed committment to participate in community efforts following increase in GAC membership in ICG)
Development of workplan and timelines

  *   Consider how to provide feedback to ICG on timeline (end of year deadline may not be feasible)
  *   Consider having input ready following ICANN meeting in Marrakech as a possible alternative - what are other possible milestones in interim timeframe? Consider providing that feedback to ICG.
  *   Should work on development of charter be done in parallel with initial work of CWG or does charter need to be approved first? Might be difficult for CWG to commence without charter nailed down. Maybe some of the administrative elements could be commenced earlier, but the substantive work can only begin once the charter has been approved.
  *   Staff to develop draft timeline for public consultations by next week's meeting
(Edits in real time)

  *   The focus is on names but will not be limited exclusively to names.
  *   Further comment on email list:

     *       Accountability
     *       Role of Maintainer

Annex B Charter Approval Timelines
Possible timing for GNSO Council consideration / adoption of charter:

  *   4 September GNSO Council meeting - motion & charter would need to be submitted by 25 August at the latest to be considered
  *   25 September GNSO Council meeting - motion & charter would need to be submitted by 15 September at the latest to be considered
  *   15 October GNSO Council meeting (LA meeting) - motion & charter would need to be submitted by 5 October at the latest to be considered

Possible timing for ccNSO consideration:

  *   21 August
  *   25 September
  *   21 October ( LA meeting)

In case necessary e-mail vote (will take one week to vote)

Secondly, call for volunteers will take 3 weeks (call-for volunteers 1-2 weeks, appointment by Council through email approval)

Possible timing for ALAC consideration:

  *   The deadlines for the ALAC (after one week's review by the At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function WG) are:
  *   26 August ALAC meeting - motion & charter would need to be submitted to the ALAC by 22 August at the latest to be considered and to At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of the US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function WG by 15 August)
  *   23 September ALAC meeting - motion & charter would need to be submitted to the ALAC by 19 September at the latest to be considered and to At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of the US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function WG by 12 September)

Possible timing for SSAC consideration / adoption of charter:

  *   16-18 September SSAC Workshop - motion & charter would need to be submitted by 02 September at the latest to be considered
  *   14 October SSAC meeting (LA meeting) - motion & charter would need to be submitted by 30 September at the latest to be considered
  *   13 November SSAC meeting - motion & charter would need to be submitted by 30 October at the latest to be considered
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