[DT-F] REVISED: Design Team F kickoff

Gomes, Chuck cgomes at verisign.com
Thu Apr 9 03:03:35 UTC 2015

No problem David.  It's to be expected that we would use the term policy in
different ways; I just wanted to make sure that everyone on the DT didn't
think you were talking about non-technical policy.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Conrad [mailto:david.conrad at icann.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 9:47 PM
To: Gomes, Chuck
Subject: Re: [DT-F] REVISED: Design Team F kickoff


>>As mentioned in a previous note, I believe an appeals panel is probably
>>a reasonable requirement to recommend, however it obviously would only
>>have impact after the fact.
>[Chuck Gomes] It seems to me that one relatively simple way to deal with

There are a number of potential solutions (I have my favorites and the one
you suggest has merit), but I don't think this is the right place/time to
explore these. I think coming up with requirements as opposed to
implementation is a more productive route given the time and other
constraints we're under.

>[Chuck Gomes] I think it is important that everyone understand what is
>meant that " the Root Zone Maintainer is positioned to provide
>independent third-party intervention to operationally prevent a limited
>set of "out of policy" changes (specifically, requests that don't meet
>the policy relating to certain technical requirements)."  I would
>probably not use the word 'policy' hear but rather just say 'technical
>requirements'.  Hopefully everyone understands that the Root Zone
>Maintainer would not be able to identify compliance with non-technical
>policies coming from the policy development side of ICANN in the GNSO and

Right, apologies if there was any confusion relating to my terminology.
>From an operational perspective, I view the community-specified technical
criteria as simply additional policy constraints that must be met prior to
moving forward with a change request.

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