[DT-F] REVISED: Design Team F kickoff

David Conrad david.conrad at icann.org
Thu Apr 9 16:14:36 UTC 2015


Just a small addition:

>However, historically, there have been two areas where somewhat ad-hoc
>interaction between root server operators and all of the Root Zone
>Management Partners may occur:
>1. It  has occasionally been the case that security concerns arise
>somewhere in the system for generating and distributing the root zone,
>and it's been considered good practice to share information across
>organizations and operations in order to respond effectively.
>2. In a few cases in the past, there's been an identified need for basic
>changes to certain technical parameters in the root zone itself, with a
>corresponding need to assess risks, review options, plan deployment, and
>monitor results. The easy examples include deployment of DNSSEC, the
>addition of IPv6 resource records to the root zone to enable IPv6
>reachability of root servers and TLD servers, and assessment of the
>impact of a larger root zone on DNS operations as part of the new gTLD
>effort. In those cases, root server operators have been consulted,
>through both RSSAC and operational relationships. I have always
>understood that the specific decisions on those matters were made by the
>Root Zone Management partners together, although I'm not aware of
>documentation of a process. I suspect David and Chuck have more insight
>on that than I do.

3. Very infrequently, modifications to the root-servers.net zone, e.g.,
changing the IP address(es) of a root server.

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