[CWG-RFP3] Is there is a more suitable legal jurisdiction for anIANA subsidiary?

Kieren McCarthy kieren at kierenmccarthy.com
Wed Nov 5 17:30:36 UTC 2014

I'm finding this conversation thread very frustrating.

If this is a topic being seriously considered - and it looks like it is.
And if none of us are in any way qualified to provide a cogent analysis -
which it looks like we aren't. Then surely the obvious solution is to find
someone, or some group, that can provide some answers to questions.

Based purely on human nature, I strongly suspect that the argument that
California is some how a special place for ICANN/IANA is more to do with it
being the status quo than any verifiable reality.

It is possible that IANA would be better placed in another jurisdiction -
although since we have failed to draw up any grounds by which that judgment
would be made, the whole conversation seems a little pointless.

It is equally possible that moving jurisdiction would have no real impact
at all.

One thing that I do see as a fact is that "California law" has been used
repeatedly to stymie recommended changes that the staff hasn't agreed with
or wanted to introduce. That is a problem.

If that is the problem we are seeking a solution to, it strikes me that the
conversation should focus on how to get independent analysis of decisions
that reference "California law" as a reason for a given direction rather
than embark on a discussion about jurisdictions overall.

Either way, let's take our jobs seriously and find some experts rather than
mistake familiarity with expertise.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Allan MacGillivray <
allan.macgillivray at cira.ca> wrote:

>  Becky – I think that would be of considerable value.
> Allan
> *From:* cwg-rfp3-bounces at icann.org [mailto:cwg-rfp3-bounces at icann.org] *On
> Behalf Of *Burr, Becky
> *Sent:* November-05-14 10:01 AM
> *To:* Becky Burr; Dwi Elfrida Martina
> *Cc:* RFP3
> *Subject:* Re: [CWG-RFP3] Is there is a more suitable legal jurisdiction
> for anIANA subsidiary?
> Team -
> Jurisdiction issues are very complex.  I believe that it would be
> extremely helpful for us (as well as for many other work streams) to
> develop a shared  perspective on the basic rules and issues.  Although
> there are many lawyers participating, we would probably get the most
> benefit from an independent/neutral provider.  If this is of interest, I
> would be happy to work with the co-chairs and other interested folks to put
> materials and a webinar together.
> J. Beckwith Burr
> *Neustar, Inc. /* Deputy General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer
> 1775 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006
> Office: + 1.202.533.2932  Mobile:  +1.202.352.6367  /
> becky.burr at neustar.biz / www.neustar.biz
> *From: *<Burr>, Becky Burr <becky.burr at neustar.biz>
> *Date: *Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 9:24 AM
> *To: *Dwi Elfrida Martina <dwi.elfrida at gmail.com>
> *Cc: *RFP3 <cwg-rfp3 at icann.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [CWG-RFP3] Is there is a more suitable legal jurisdiction
> for anIANA subsidiary?
> Several independent review panels have held that ICANN is subject to
> international law.
> Becky Burr
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 5, 2014, at 03:50, Dwi Elfrida Martina <dwi.elfrida at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>    Hi,
> my name is Dwi Elfrida, I am from Indonesia. in respond to optioned 2 from
> Robert, and thanks to bring the jurisdiction issue up, in my opinion to tie
> up IANA legal status to ICANN's legal status might a faster way to reach
> IANA's legislation. But, it wouldn't be solution for many parties who
> questioned IANA's independency from the US government authority, as I know,
> for some parties the good news (main spirit)  of  transition of IANA
> stewardship is to internationalized IANA, means to dismiss the image of
> single authority of the US government over IANA. Meanwhile, some parties
> are still debated the ICANN's legislation that cannot be counted as
> International law, as all cases of TLD (mostly gTLD) will be processed in
> the US by using the US law. Therefore, the government of France (at ICANN
> meeting in London) was still calling the issue of making ICANN as
> International organization legalized by International law. And this idea
> seems like supported by some governments in Europe, and other part of this
> world. Indeed, placing IANA's functions and office from the US to other
> part of this world, is not the solution as well, because it is not the
> matter or territory, but the matter of legislation system, which law that
> suitable enough to validate IANA? do we agree to use the US legislation
> system like has been used by the ICANN, or do we agree to use International
> law, then how will we make it happen? Our choice on IANA's legislation
> system will determine the law enforcement of IANA's policies in the future.
> Regards,
> Dwi
> On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 11:33 PM, Greg Shatan <gregshatanipc at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> [image: Boxbe]
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> Shatan (gregshatanipc at gmail.com) is not on your Guest List
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> All:
> Here is Robert's second question (which I think also applies to the
> concept of a fully independent IANA):
> *For  option #2. - Is there is a  jurisdiction that ICANN has (or can
> obtain) legal status might be more suitable to use to create IANA as a
> subsidiary. Such an option might allow for the link to be a subsidiary of
> ICANN, but sever the legal link to the US. A negative, of course, would be
> moving the function and existing staff to a new part of the world.*
> Comments and discussion?
> Greg
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> --
> Dwi Elfrida MS
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