[CWG-RFP3] Policy authority

David Conrad david.conrad at icann.org
Wed Nov 19 01:51:15 UTC 2014


On Nov 18, 2014, at 3:35 PM, Malcolm Hutty <malcolm at linx.net> wrote:
> I have to disagree with the assertion above. IANA is not changing (not
> unless we change it, anyway); NTIA is.

Just a minor point unrelated to the main thrust of your note: the above is not precisely accurate.

With the transition of the stewardship of the IANA functions contract, the IANA root zone management function _must_ change.

As I believe has been discussed before, NTIA currently has an operational role in that function: the administrator role that authorizes root zone modifications (both to the registration database and the root zone database itself).

The community has three options:
- remove the authorization requirement;
- replace NTIA with a single authorizer; or
- replace NTIA with multiple authorizers.

The IANA root zone management function may also need to change depending on what the community decides with respect to the Root Zone Maintainer function currently performed by Verisign under a separate cooperative agreement with NTIA.

I'll not comment on the more substantive part of your message.


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