[CWG-RFP3] Seperabilty

Mathieu Weill mathieu.weill at afnic.fr
Mon Nov 24 16:58:11 UTC 2014

Hi Milton,

In response to your question below, there has been competition in the 
tenders every time so far.


Le 24/11/2014 15:42, Milton L Mueller a écrit :
> One curiosity point for me, have there been competitors in the tender, 
> or have you been the only one? 

Mathieu WEILL
AFNIC - directeur général
Tél: 01 39 30 83 06
mathieu.weill at afnic.fr
ATTENTION : L'Afnic a déménagé le 31 mars 2014 !
Notre nouvelle adresse est :
Afnic - Immeuble Le Stephenson - 1, rue Stephenson - 78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux

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